FlyBase:Allele Report

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Last Updated: 29th May 2015

The Allele Report contains the information for an individual allele.

An allele is a variant of a gene, often induced by mutagenic means. An allele may be defined by genetic/phenotypic characteristics, e.g. by complementation analysis, or in terms of alterations mapped to the known sequence of that gene, or both.

As well as including allele reports for classical mutant alleles and natural variants, e.g. electrophoretic variants, FlyBase also includes reports for alleles that have been introduced into Drosophila via transgenic constructs. See the Nontraditional alleles documentation for a detailed description of these alleles.

This is a field-by-field guide to the information provided in the Allele Report.

FlyBase attributes data to the publication that reported it, so that users can easily refer back to the original publication if they wish. Thus, where possible in the fields below, the publication(s) that are the source of the information are listed, typically in parentheses to the right of the data. The exception in the Allele Report is the General Information section which contains a summary of the identity of the allele.

General Information

Symbol The valid symbol that is used in FlyBase for the allele.

The first part of the symbol (before the '\') is the standard prefix for the species (from the Species Abbreviations list). For species other than D.melanogaster, the species prefix is displayed wherever the allele symbol is used throughout FlyBase. For D.melanogaster alleles, the species prefix is only displayed in the General Information section at the top of a Report.

Name The valid full name that is used in FlyBase for the allele.
Feature type The type of feature described in the report. In this case, "allele".
Associated Insertion(s) If the allele is associated with an insertion of DNA, the insertion symbol is displayed in this field. The inserted DNA may be a natural transposable element e.g. P-element, a transposable-element based transgenic construct, e.g. P{lacW}, or exogenous DNA inserted via non-transposable element-based means (e.g. homologous recombination), e.g. TI{GAL4}.

Clicking on an insertion symbol will take you to the relevant Insertion Report.

An allele is associated with an insertion if any one or more of the following criteria apply:

- the insertion results in a mutant phenotype by affecting expression of the gene into which it is inserted

- the insertion is within the transcribed extent of a gene

- the allele represents an open reading frame carried in the insertion, where its expression is influenced by a regulatory region in the genome where it is inserted e.g. GAL4 enhancer trap allele.

Species The organism that the allele originates from, with the initial letter of the genus and the full species name listed.
FlyBase ID The Primary FlyBase identifier number of the allele, used to uniquely identify the allele in the database.

An allele may also have any number of Secondary FlyBase identifier numbers, which are listed in the Secondary FlyBase IDs section of the Allele Report.

Associated gene The gene which the mutant affects.

Clicking on the gene symbol will take you to the relevant Gene Report

Carried in Construct If the allele is carried in a transgenic construct, the transgenic construct symbol is displayed in this field.

Clicking on a transgenic construct symbol will take you to the relevant Recombinant Construct Report.

Also Known As A list of up to 10 commonly used symbol synonyms for the gene. (This list is made computationally, based on the frequency of alternative symbols that have been curated from the literature.). This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.
Key Links Link to the corresponding page at the Alliance of Genome Resources
Genomic Maps (JBrowse) A JBrowse image showing the location of the mutation on the genome. This field is only displayed if the allele, or an insertion associated with the allele, has been mapped to the genome.

The "JBrowse" link goes to a fully interactive JBrowse view of the same region.

Allele class A summary list (without the publications that were the source of the information) of controlled vocabulary terms from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary that describe the class of the allele, e.g. "hypomorph" or "gain of function".

For a list of allele class terms together with the associated publications, see the Allele class field in the Nature of the Allele section of the Allele Report.

Mutagen A summary list (without the publications that were the source of the information) of controlled vocabulary terms from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary that describe the origin of the allele, typically the mutagen(s) used to induce the mutant allele or the type of in vitro mutagenesis method used to create it.

For a list of mutagen terms together with the associated publications, see the Mutagen field in the Nature of the Allele section of the Allele Report.

Nature of the Allele

Allele class A full list (including the publications that were the source of the information) of controlled vocabulary terms from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary that describe the class of the allele, e.g. "hypomorph" or "gain of function".
Mutagen A full list (including the publications that were the source of the information) of controlled vocabulary terms from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary that describe the origin of the allele, typically the mutagen(s) used to induce the mutant allele or the type of in vitro mutagenesis method used to create it.
Mutations Mapped to the Genome - Curation Data A table listing features associated with the allele that have been mapped to the genome and form part of the annotation of the gene. The table lists the type of feature in the first column. The second column contains its location on the genome. The third column lists the evidence type, any associated mapping information, and any comments related to mapping the feature. The fourth column lists the reference used to map the feature.
Mutations Mapped to the Genome - Variant Molecular Consequences Variants data from FlyBase are run through the Ensembl VEP (Variant Effect Predictor) pipeline, and the results are displayed in a table. The VEP algorithm considers the genomic location, mutation type, and nucleotide change of a variant to calculate the molecular consequence on all of the overlapping transcripts affected by the variant. In addition to reporting the molecular change to the transcripts and encoded CDS, it assigns a Sequence Ontology (SO)-based consequence term to each variant/transcript combination.

The table displays, for each variant, all genes that are potentially affected by that variant, the allele associated with the variant that is the subject of the report, and the predicted consequences to all affected transcripts.

This is the result of a collaboration between FlyBase, Alliance of Genome Resources and Ensembl.

Associated Sequence Data A table of sequence accession numbers associated with the allele. Clicking on the accession number will take you to the appropriate entry in the external database from which they are derived.

The table contains accession numbers from the following databases:

DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank - nucleic acid accession number and associated protein ID number (if applicable).

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot - protein accession number.

UniProtKB/TrEMBL - protein accession number.

These accession numbers are FlyBase curated links.

Progenitor genotype For classical alleles, this is the mutant chromosome(s) on which the allele was induced, where the progenitor is relevant to the derivative allele. The progenitor is usually another mutant allele of the same gene, or a transposable element insertion.

For non-traditional alleles carried in transgenic constructs, this is typically the allele that was used in vitro as the progenitor.

Clicking on the symbol of the progenitor will take you to the relevant Report page.

Caused by insertion If the allele is associated with an insertion of DNA, the insertion symbol is displayed in this field. The inserted DNA may be a natural transposable element e.g. P-element, a transposable-element based transgenic construct, e.g. P{lacW}, or exogenous DNA inserted via non-transposable element-based means (e.g. homologous recombination), e.g. TI{GAL4}.

Clicking on an insertion symbol will take you to the relevant Insertion Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

An allele is associated with an insertion if any one or more of the following criteria apply:

- the insertion results in a mutant phenotype by affecting expression of the gene into which it is inserted

- the insertion is within the transcribed extent of a gene

- the allele represents an open reading frame carried in the insertion, where its expression is influenced by a regulatory region in the genome where it is inserted e.g. GAL4 enhancer trap allele.

Carried in construct If the allele is carried in a transgenic construct, the transgenic construct symbol is displayed in this field.

Clicking on a transgenic construct symbol will take you to the relevant Recombinant Construct Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Cytology Free text comments about the cytology of the allele.
Nature of the lesion For classical alleles, this is a free text description of the nature of the mutant lesion.

For non-traditional alleles carried in transgenic constructs, this is a free text description of the overall structure of the allele at the end of the cloning process.

Tags This field is displayed in an Allele Report that represents an engineered tag which has been used in a transgenic construct to mark genes or their products. This includes variants of epitope tags such as the EGFP version of "Avic\GFP".

The field lists the alleles that contain the tag.

Clicking on the symbol will take you to the relevant Allele Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Tagged with This field is only filled in for non-traditional alleles carried in transgenic constructs. If the allele contains an engineered tag that has been used to mark the gene or its product, the symbol of that tag is displayed in this field.

Engineered tags include epitope tags such as "Avic\GFP" and function tags such as nuclear localization signals.

Clicking on the tag symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Caused by aberration If the allele is caused by an aberration breakpoint within the locus, the aberration symbol is displayed in this field.

Clicking on the aberration symbol will take you to the relevant Aberration Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Expression Data

Reporter Expression A three column table with the headings Stage, Tissue/Position, and Reference. Each row in the table represents one distinct expression pattern defined by time of expression (Stage) and by location of expression (Tissue/Position). Each distinct expression pattern is attributed to the reference that reported it. Developmental stages and anatomical parts are described using controlled vocabulary (CV) terms (for valid CV terms, see the Vocabularies search page).

The table is subdivided by the assay, when appropriate.

Additional information

Free-text curated descriptions of expression patterns, sorted by reference.

Human Disease Associations

Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations

Human Disease model data curated using disease terms from the Disease Ontology.

Models Based on Experimental Evidence A table showing any human disease(s) that are being modelled by a given mutant or transgenic allele. The phenotype(s) being studied must recapitulate some aspect of the human disease for the allele to be considered a model. In some cases, an allele may be expected to produce a disease phenotype but does not. These unexpectedly negative results are also shown.

The table consists of three columns

Disease - Indicates whether or not the allele is modeling the disease ('model of' or 'DOES NOT model') followed by the name of the disease (from the Disease Ontology).

Evidence - CEA (combinatorial experimental and author inference evidence used in manual assertion; ECO:0007013) is used when an annotation is made based on experimental evidence AND the disease term used agrees with that stated by the authors. This is the most commonly used evidence code. CEC (combinatorial experimental and curator inference evidence used in manual assertion; ECO:0007014) is used when an annotation is made based on experimental evidence BUT the disease term used has been determined by a curator rather than based on a statement by the authors of the paper. Use of this evidence code is relatively rare, restricted to cases where (i) the disease stated by the authors is relatively general (e.g. “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis”), but the curator can provide a more specific subtype (e.g. “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 6”) based on the given human gene/variant and its known relationship to a specific disease (e.g. in OMIM); or (ii) the authors have made a mistake in the given gene-to-disease relationship. If the given allele only models the disease in combination with another allele, the word with is displayed followed by the symbols of other allele(s), with hyperlinks to the relevant allele report pages. Note that any drivers that are required for the expression of transgenic alleles are not listed in this section.

References - lists the reference(s) that describe the model.

Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence A table showing interactions of this allele with other disease-causing allele(s)

The table consists of three columns

Disease - the nature of the interaction ('exacerbates' or 'ameliorates' and the name of the disease (from the Disease Ontology). This column also indicates if the allele is not modifying a disease (prefixed with DOES NOT).

Interaction - 'modeled by' followed by the symbol of the allele that is modeling the disease, with hyperlinks to the relevant allele report pages.

References - lists the reference(s) that describes the model.

Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence Curated comments that highlight certain features of a model, for example, when particular aspects of a disease phenotype are modeled while others are not. These comments are used sparingly to avoid duplication with phenotype information.

Phenotypic Data

Phenotypic Class

A list of statements describing the overall phenotypic class of the mutant allele.

Each statement contains a controlled vocabulary term from the phenotypic class section of the FlyBase controlled vocabulary that describes the class of phenotype that is observed in the mutant allele, e.g. visible, lethal, circadian rhythm defective.

The phenotypic class term may also be "qualified" with more controlled vocabulary term(s) that further specify the mutant phenotype, for example, describing whether the phenotype is "recessive" or "dominant", or specifying at which stage of development the phenotype is observed, e.g. second instar larval stage. These additional qualifying terms are either from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary or the Development controlled vocabulary.

If the mutant phenotype is observed in combination with another allele of the same gene, or a deficiency that affects the same gene, this second allele or deficiency is indicated in parentheses after the controlled vocabulary terms. If the allele is part of a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is indicated at the end of the phenotypic class statement, after a comma.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

Phenotype Manifest In

A list of the parts of the animal affected by the mutant allele. These terms range from the entire animal to subcellular components and are often specific for a developmental stage. Body part and cell-type terms are from the Anatomy controlled vocabulary, while terms relating to parts of the cell are cellular component terms from the Gene Ontology controlled vocabulary.

The body part term may also be "qualified" with more controlled vocabulary term(s) that further specify the mutant phenotype, for example, describing that the body part was affected in an experiment involving a "somatic clone" or is due to a "maternal effect". These additional qualifying terms are from the FlyBase controlled vocabulary.

If the mutant phenotype is observed in combination with another allele of the same gene, or a deficiency that affects the same gene, this second allele or deficiency is indicated in parentheses after the controlled vocabulary terms. If the allele is part of a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is indicated at the end of the phenotypic class statement, after a comma.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

Detailed Description

Free text description providing additional context to the mutant phenotype. As of FB2022_04 release we've stopped providing free text description to get better overall data coverage using robustly searchable controlled vocabulary statements. Free text descriptions captured prior to FB2022_04 release will still be displayed.

External Data

A list of additional links to external databases that are relevant to phenotypic data is also displayed.


Clicking on the 'Enhancers & Suppressors' button shows you shows you the genetic interaction network for this allele in the Interactions Browser

Phenotypic Class

Enhanced by

A list of statements describing phenotypes of this allele that are enhanced by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "enhanceable by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Enhanced by

A list of statements describing phenotypes of this allele that are NOT enhanced by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-enhanceable by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Suppressed by

A list of statements describing phenotypes of this allele that are suppressed by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "suppressible by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Suppressed by

A list of statements describing phenotypes of this allele that are NOT suppressed by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-suppressible by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Enhancer of

A list of statements describing phenotypes of a mutation in another gene that this allele enhances.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "enhancer"), followed by the phenotype that is being enhanced and then the genotype that is being enhanced.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Enhancer of

A list of statements describing phenotypes of a mutation in another gene that this allele DOES NOT enhance.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-enhancer"), followed by the phenotype that is not enhanced and then the genotype that is not enhanced.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Suppressor of

A list of statements describing phenotypes of a mutation in another gene that this allele suppresses.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "suppressor"), followed by the phenotype that is being suppressed and then the genotype that is being suppressed.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Suppressor of

A list of statements describing phenotypes of a mutation in another gene that this allele DOES NOT suppress.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-suppressor"), followed by the phenotype that is not suppressed and then the genotype that is not suppressed.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.


A list of statements describing phenotypes involving alleles of more than one gene (including this allele), where it is known that there is an interaction between the alleles, but either the nature of the interaction is not known, or each single mutant by itself does not show a mutant phenotype. Each statement lists the phenotype seen in the double mutant genotype, followed by the interacting allele.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic class subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Phenotype Manifest In

Enhanced by

A list of body parts where the phenotype for this allele is manifest, for which each phenotype is enhanced by a mutation in another gene.

The body part affected is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "enhanceable by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Enhanced by

A list of body parts where the phenotype for this allele is manifest, for which each phenotype is NOT enhanced by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-enhanceable by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Suppressed by

A list of body parts where the phenotype for this allele is manifest, for which each phenotype is suppressed by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "suppressible by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Suppressed by

A list of body parts where the phenotype for this allele is manifest, for which each phenotype is NOT suppressed by a mutation in another gene.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with the same syntax as that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report, but in addition, the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-suppressible by") and the interacting genotype are listed at the end of the statement.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Enhancer of

A list of body parts where the phenotype for a mutation in another gene is manifest, for which each phenotype is enhanced by this allele.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "enhancer"), followed by the phenotype that is being enhanced and then the genotype that is being enhanced.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Enhancer of

A list of body parts where the phenotype for a mutation in another gene is manifest, for which each phenotype is NOT enhanced by this allele.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-enhancer"), followed by the phenotype that is not enhanced and then the genotype that is not enhanced.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the [[[FlyBase:Allele report#Phenotypic Data|Phenotypic Data]] section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Suppressor of

A list of body parts where the phenotype for a mutation in another gene is manifest, for which each phenotype is suppressed by this allele.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "suppressor"), followed by the phenotype that is being suppressed and then the genotype that is being suppressed.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

NOT Suppressor of

A list of body parts where the phenotype for a mutation in another gene is manifest, for which each phenotype is NOT suppressed by this allele.

Each statement starts with the nature of the interaction (in this case "non-suppressor"), followed by the phenotype that is not suppressed and then the genotype that is not suppressed.

The phenotype is described using controlled vocabulary terms, with a similar syntax to that used in the Phenotypic manifest in subsection of the Phenotypic Data section of the Allele Report.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.


A list of statements describing phenotypes involving alleles of more than one gene (including this allele), where it is known that there is an interaction between the alleles, but either the nature of the interaction is not known, or each single mutant by itself does not show a mutant phenotype. Each statement lists the body part affected in the double mutant genotype, followed by the interacting allele.

Clicking on a controlled vocabulary term will take you to the relevant CV Term Report.

Clicking on an allele or deficiency symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Additional Comments

Genetic Interactions Free text description providing additional context to the genetic interactions involving the allele. Genetic interactions are defined in FlyBase as interactions between alleles of genes derived from the same species that the interaction is being assayed in.

As of FB2018_05 release we've stopped providing free text description to get better overall data coverage using robustly searchable controlled vocabulary statements. Free text descriptions captured prior to FB2018_05 release will still be displayed.

Xenogenetic Interactions Free text description providing additional context to the xenogenetic interactions involving the allele. Xenogenetic interactions are defined in FlyBase as either interactions between alleles of genes not normally found in the same species, or interactions being assayed in a species that is not the one in which either of the interacting genes is normally found.

As of FB2018_05 release we've stopped providing free text description to get better overall data coverage using robustly searchable controlled vocabulary statements. Free text descriptions captured prior to FB2018_05 release will still be displayed.

Complementation & Rescue Data

Complements A list of alleles reported to be complemented by this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene.

Clicking on an allele symbol will take you to the relevant Allele Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Partially complements A list of alleles reported to be partially complemented by this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene.

Clicking on an allele symbol will take you to the relevant Allele Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Fails to complement A list of alleles reported NOT to be complemented by this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene.

Clicking on an allele symbol will take you to the relevant Allele Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Rescued by A list of alleles reported to rescue this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene. If the rescue experiment used a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Partially rescued by A list of alleles reported to partially rescue this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene. If the rescue experiment used a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Not rescued by A list of alleles reported NOT to rescue this allele, where both are alleles of the same gene. If the rescue experiment used a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Rescues A list of mutations of the same gene as this allele (typically another allele of the same gene, or a deficiency that affects the same gene) reported to be rescued by this allele. If the allele is part of a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Partially rescues A list of mutations of the same gene as this allele (typically another allele of the same gene, or a deficiency that affects the same gene) reported to be partially rescued by this allele. If the allele is part of a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Fails to rescue A list of mutations of the same gene as this allele (typically another allele of the same gene, or a deficiency that affects the same gene) reported NOT to be rescued by this allele. If the allele is part of a system that requires a driver, such as the UAS-GAL4 system, the driver allele is also indicated.

Clicking on a symbol will take you to the relevant Report.

This field is only displayed on an individual Allele Report if it contains data.

Comments Free text description providing additional context to the complementation and rescue data.

As of FB2018_05 release we've stopped providing free text description to get better overall data coverage using robustly searchable controlled vocabulary statements. Free text descriptions captured prior to FB2018_05 release will still be displayed.


Where available, this section contains any images relevant to the allele.


A list of experimental lines relating to this allele that are available for order from public stock centers.

Notes on Origin

Discoverer A list of the individuals who identified or generated the allele.

Free text comments about the origin of the allele.

For example, information that it was simultaneously induced with another mutation, or information about the genotype of the progenitor which is irrelevant to the derivative.


Miscellaneous free text comments about the allele.

Synonyms and Secondary IDs

Reported As

Symbol Synonym A list of symbols that have been used in the literature, or by FlyBase, to describe the allele.
Name Synonym A list of names that have been used in the literature, or by FlyBase, to describe the allele.

Secondary FlyBase IDs

A list of Secondary FlyBase identifier numbers of the allele.

If an allele has a secondary identifier number, it generally indicates that at some point it has been merged with or split from other entries in the database.


A list of publications that discuss the allele, subdivided into fields by type of publication. Only fields containing data are displayed in an individual Allele Report.