FlyBase:ModENCODE data at FlyBase

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FlyBase offers a subset of modENCODE datasets that characterize gene expression and chromatin/transcriptional regulation in Drosophila. The modENCODE datasets incorporated by FlyBase often represent high-level distillations of data, combining or synthesizing data from multiple modENCODE experiments, rather than the raw data from individual experiments. Most modENCODE datasets at FlyBase are available through JBrowse; in some cases, modENCODE data has been combined with data from other non-modENCODE datasets. For RNA-seq datasets, FlyBase provides additional query/analysis tools, as well download files and data displays on gene reports. FlyBase dataset reports provide descriptions of how data was generated and analyzed, as well as links to the original raw data at data repositories.

Please note: While FlyBase hosts a selection of tools for browsing and using modENCODE data, it is not an exhaustive resource for all data generated from the modENCODE project.

RNA-Seq Query Tools and Browsers

The primary RNA-Seq data in FlyBase are the modENCODE data originally published in Graveley et al., 2011 and Brown et al., 2014, comprising 30 developmental stage expression profiles, 29 tissue expression profiles, 25 treatment/condition expression profiles and 24 cell line expression profiles. RNA-Seq reads were mapped to the Release 6 genome assembly as described in Brown et al., 2014; note that data for replicates of a given biological condition were combined. In JBrowse genomic views, several other RNA-Seq datasets are also presented, but the RNA-Seq query tools are restricted to the modENCODE datasets.

A series of video tutorials describing different RNA-Seq tools is available. See

RNA-Seq Data In JBrowse

FlyBase JBrowse has several tracks that display RNA-Seq expression profiles, which give coverage values base-by-base across the genome. Choose datasets for expression by stage, tissue, treatments, or cell lines. By default, the many tracks are displayed in the layered FlyBase “TopoView” format, and data are shown on a log2 scale, since they range over many orders of magnitude. Customization options are offered to help drill down into the data, accessed by clicking on the down arrow in the track title bar.

Alternate RNA-Seq Views
  • Space the data out. Increase the “vertical spacing between samples to prevent strong signal from one sample from obscuring the profile behind it.
  • Align the profiles. Change the “Samples presentation style” from “Tilted” (default) to “Vertical” to remove the horizontal offset between adjacent RNA-Seq profiles so that they align horizontally to the same genome position.
  • Choose the appropriate scaling method. Log2 scaling provides the best dynamic range for viewing both low and high signal together. Linear scaling is preferable in regions with high baseline signal, and provides a more intuitive view of the relative change in signal.

Additional JBrowse tracks display discrete transcription start sites, exon junctions and RNA A-to-I editing sites identified by analysis of modENCODE RNA-Seq data. The exon junction and editing site tracks also include additional data from non-modENCODE experiments.

RNA-Seq JBrowse Track Listing

JBrowse tracks sourced from modENCODE data (in part or in full) can be enabled via the “Available Tracks” menu on the left pane of the JBrowse viewer. These tracks include:

Track section Track name FlyBase Dataset(s) JBrowse Track Description
Transcript Level Features
>Transcription Start Sites (TSS)
TSS (modENCODE, embryo) mE_Transcription_Start_Sites Transcription Start Site Tracks
Transcript Level Features RNA-Seq exon junctions modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_U_junctions RNA-Seq Exon Junction Tracks
Transcript Level Features RNA Editing Sites mE_A-to-I_RNA_Editing_Sites RNA Editing Site Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Developmental stages modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_development RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Cell lines modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_cell.B RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Treatments/Conditions modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_treatments RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Digestive system mE_mRNA_L3_Wand_dig_sys
RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Fat body and salivary glands mE_mRNA_L3_Wand_fat
RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Imaginal disc and other carcass mE_mRNA_L3_Wand_imag_disc
RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
CNS and adult head mE_mRNA_L3_CNS
RNA-Seq Tracks
 >modENCODE Transcriptomes
Gonads and male accessory glands mE_mRNA_A_MateM_4d_testis
RNA-Seq Tracks

The FlyBase JBrowse wig files are available for download on the FlyBase FTP site. Note that FlyBase wig files are slightly different from the standard wig format, in that the optional "span" parameter is implied (not explicitly declared): for example, for a run of 5 nucleotides on chr 2L having the same value at each position, only the value for the first position is declared, without the preceding "variableStep chrom=chr2L span=5" information.


For most modENCODE RNA-Seq samples, FlyBase calculated the "RPKM" gene expression level within the exonic extent of the gene, as described in Gelbart and Emmert, 2013. These RPKM values are recalculated with each FlyBase release to account for changes in gene transcript structure. For the purposes of presentation and queries, values were assigned to one of eight bins, from very low to extremely high. These RPKM values are displayed on gene reports (see the "Expression Data > High-Throughput Expression Data" section) and can be downloaded from directly from the gene report. RPKM data for all genes can be downloaded from the "Genes" section of the Downloads page.

RNA-Seq Profile

Go to RNA-Seq Part II: Using RNA-Seq Profile Search to see the associated video tutorial.

RNA-Seq Profile is a fine grained query tool, powered by modENCODE high-throughput RNA-Seq expression data (using FlyBase-computed RPKM expression values), that allows you to find genes with specific patterns of expression across several variables. Interested in development of the central nervous system? Search for genes that are expressed in these tissues during a specific developmental stage. Curious how toxins affect the fly reproductive system? Search for genes expressed in fly gonads that are activated (or suppressed) by exposure to Paraquat or Rotenone.

Choose datasets for expression by stage, tissue, treatments, or cell lines, or use several datasets in conjunction. Each dataset is presented in a form that allows you to select either narrow slices of the data, or larger sections for more coverage. You also have control over the levels of expression used in the search, allowing you to define distinct thresholds for the ON and OFF states. Keep in mind that extremely narrow search conditions may produce sparse or empty result sets. Feel free to experiment; the tool will remember your settings so that you can adjust, instead of needing to re-enter them. Search results can be exported, as usual, for further analysis or download.

NB: The group check box selectors are interpreted differently depending on whether you are making selections from the 'Expression ON' or 'Expression OFF' sections. 'Expression ON' selectors: Selecting multiple stages using one of the grouping check boxes acts as an 'OR'. This means that if a gene is expressed at or above the chosen expression level in any one or more of the selected stages it will be returned in the result list. To get 'AND' behavior (i.e., return only those genes which are expressed at the chosen level in each one of the selected stages) you must select each of the stages individually. 'Expression OFF' selectors: Selecting multiple stages using one of the grouping check boxes acts as an 'AND'. This means that for a gene to be returned in the result list, the observed level of expression must be at or below the selected level in all of the selected group stages. Therefore, for the 'expression OFF' selectors, checking a group check box is functionally identical to selecting each individual sub-category.

RNA-Seq Similarity

Go to RNA Seq Part III: Searching for Similarly Expressed Genes to see the associated video tutorial.

RNA-Seq Similarity finds genes with expression patterns that are similar to that of a given gene; this search option can also be launched from the relevant gene page. 'Similar to' in this case means that the pattern of higher and lower expression1 in the categories for the RNA-Seq expression experiment data you choose are close to those of your chosen gene, as measured by the correlation coefficient2 between the data for your given gene and each of the search result genes. Enter your query gene symbol in the box, and choose to search for genes with similar expression by developmental stage, tissue, treatments, or cell lines. You can also specify a subset of experimental samples within a set of RNA-Seq expression data to use when making comparisons. The resulting genes can be exported to a FlyBase hit list.

1 Note that two expression patterns will be flagged as similar if the profile of peaks and troughs of expression have a similar shape, even though one expression pattern may have much higher or lower values overall.

2 FlyBase uses a generalized Spearman rank correlation for this statistic.

RNA-Seq By Region

RNA-Seq By Region can be used to compare the RNA-Seq signal for a given region across samples, or to compare signal between two regions within a single sample.

Supply the symbol or FBgn ID for one gene of interest, and choose to query either the developmental or tissue RNA-Seq profiles. The tool will retrieve the locations of all exons for the gene specified, and report an average RNA-Seq signal for each region. Values are normalized for read depth across a given set, and reported as values from 1 to 50; very high read values are truncated at a value of 50. Alternatively, input one or more genomic regions using standard GBrowse coordinate nomenclature (e.g., X:350000..351000) and the tool will return the average RNA-Seq signal for each submitted genomic span; for multiple regions, enter one region per line in the input box.

For fast visual inspection of the potentially large expression tables, the background of table cells is colored in the same way as in the heatmap coloring schema of expression histograms in FlyBase gene reports. These tables can be copied and downloaded and used for further analysis.

Note that the signal reported for a given region may arise from the expression of multiple transcripts from one or more genes; the tool simply reports the total signal for that region and does not attempt to assign the expression in that region to any specific transcript.

Download RNA-Seq Data

Each FlyBase analysis tool described above offers a way to download the results.

RPKM data for a specific gene can be downloaded from directly from the gene report "Expression Data" section. RPKM data for all genes can be downloaded from the "Genes" section of the Downloads page.

FlyBase JBrowse wig files are available for download on the FlyBase FTP site. Note that the format is more compact: for a run of nucleotides having the same coverage value, only the first nucleotide in the run is declared in the file.

Transcriptional Regulation Datasets

Transcriptional Regulation Data In JBrowse

FlyBase JBrowse has several tracks that display regions of distinct chromatin configurations, origins of replication, insulators, and transcription factor binding sites (TFBS), determined by ChIP-chip and ChIP-Seq experiments.

Transcriptional Regulation JBrowse Track Listing

JBrowse tracks describing aspects of chromatin and transcriptional regulation that were sourced from modENCODE data can be enabled via the “Available Tracks” menu on the left pane of the JBrowse viewer. These tracks are all located in the Genome Level Features track section and are listed in the table below.

Track section Track name FlyBase Dataset(s) JBrowse Track Description
Genome Level Features
>Chromatin Features
Chromatin Domains (9-state model, S2 cells) Chromatin_types_mE1.S2 Chromatin Feature Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Chromatin Features
Chromatin Domains (9-state model, BG3 cells) Chromatin_types_mE1.BG3 Chromatin Feature Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcriptional Regulatory Elements
Insulators (modENCODE, class I) Insulator_Class_I.mE01 Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcriptional Regulatory Elements
Insulators (modENCODE, class II) Insulator_Class_II.mE01 Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcriptional Regulatory Elements
Putative PREs (modENCODE) mE1_HDAC_PRE Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis mE1_TFBS_HSA TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS mE1_TFBS_disco
TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, Homeodomain TFBS BDTNP1_TFBS_bcd
TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, Helix-loop-helix TFBS BDTNP1_TFBS_da
TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, BTB/POS ChIP TFBS mE1_TFBS_bab1
TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS)
 >TFBS (modENCODE, ChIP-chip, whole embryo)
whole embryo, Other classes TFBS mE1_TFBS_cnc
TFBS Tracks
Genome Level Features
>Other Sequence Elements
Origins of replication (modENCODE, Kc, S2, BG3 cells) mE_Early_Replication_Origins_cells Other Sequence Element Tracks

Download Data

For JBrowse tracks representing discrete regions (like ChIP binding regions, chromatin domains, etc), the locations of those features can be downloaded using the JBrowse track menu (at the top left of the track), for either the region in view or the entire chromosome scaffold being viewed, in GFF3, BED or Sequin formats. Unfortunately, download of genome-wide data for a given JBrowse track is not supported.
Currently, the only way to download genome-wide data for a given dataset in JBrowse is to parse it from the single large FlyBase GFF file that powers FlyBase JBrowse, using dataset name and/or FlyBase "FBlc" identifier in column 9 of the GFF file: e.g., _Library=mE1_TFBS_chinmo:FBlc0000289.

Finding Your modENCODE Dataset of Interest

Below is a list of all FlyBase datasets representing modENCODE data, along with modENCODE, NCBI GEO and SRA identifiers. FlyBase datasets offer succinct descriptions of the sample prep and data analysis methods. For raw data, please follow links to NCBI GEO or SRA. If you can't find your modENCODE dataset of interest, we recommend searching for the dataset at NCBI GEO or dataMED. If searching using the modENCODE identifier, it may be helpful to add modencode_ or modencode_submission_ as a prefix to the identifier.

Note: This list still needs to be verified against Chris T's independent RNA-seq list.

data_type flybase_dataset species dataset_type dataset_title modencode_submission_ids ncbi_bioproject_ids ncbi_geo_ids sra_ids flybase_representation
Expression [ modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_cell.B] D. melanogaster project Transcriptional profile of D. melanogaster cell lines, stranded RNA-Seq, modENCODE. 555 PRJNA75285 SRP003893 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4391_1182-4H] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, 1182-4H cell line, modENCODE. 4391 SRX029185 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4392_CME-L1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, CME-L1 cell line, modENCODE. 4392 SRX029186
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5955_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line, modENCODE, unstranded. 5955 GSM390061
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4393_CME-W2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, CME-W2 cell line, modENCODE. 4393 SRX029188
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5966_fGS-OSS] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, fGS/OSS cell line, modENCODE. 5966 SRX149409 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4394_GM2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, GM2 cell line, modENCODE. 4394 SRX029190
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4395_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line, modENCODE, unstranded. 5952 GSM390059
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4396_mbn2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, mbn2 cell line, modENCODE. 4396 SRX029196
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4397_ML-DmBG1-c1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG1-c1 cell line, modENCODE. 4397 SRX029199 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4398_ML-DmBG2-c2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG2-c2 cell line, modENCODE. 4398 SRX029197
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5954_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, modENCODE, unstranded. 5954 GSM390065
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4399_ML-DmD11] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD11 cell line, modENCODE. 4399 SRX029200
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4400_ML-DmD16-c3] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD16-c3 cell line, modENCODE. 4400 SRX029202
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4401_ML-DmD17-c3] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD17-c3 cell line, modENCODE. 4401 SRX029204
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4402_ML-DmD20-c5] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD20-c5 cell line, modENCODE. 4402 SRX029206
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4403_ML-DmD21] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD21 cell line, modENCODE. 4403 SRX029207 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4404_ML-DmD32] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD32 cell line, modENCODE. 4404 SRX029208
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4405_ML-DmD4-c1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD4-c1 cell line, modENCODE. 4405 SRX029210
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4406_ML-DmD8] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD8 cell line, modENCODE. 4406 SRX029211 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4407_ML-DmD9] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmD9 cell line, modENCODE. 4407 SRX029212 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5965_OSC] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, OSC cell line, modENCODE. 5965 SRX149408 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5964_OSS] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, OSS cell line, modENCODE. 5964 SRX149407 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4408_S1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, S1 cell line, modENCODE. 4408 SRX029213
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE5953_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, modENCODE, unstranded. 5953 GSM390063
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4409_S2R+] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2R+ cell line, modENCODE. 4409 SRX029215
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4410_S3] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, S3 cell line, modENCODE. 4410 SRX029218
Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4411_Sg4] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Sg4 cell line, modENCODE. 4411 SRX029219 Cell Lines: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_development] D. melanogaster project Transcriptional profile of D. melanogaster developmental stages, unstranded RNA-Seq, modENCODE. 574 PRJNA75285 SRP001065 Developmental stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4433_AF_1d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult female (1 day post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4433 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4434_AF_30d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult female (30 days post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4434 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4435_AF_5d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult female (5 days post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4435 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4436_AM_1d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult male (1 day post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4436 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4437_AM_30d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult male (30 days post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4437 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4438_AM_5d] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult male (5 days post-eclosion), modENCODE, unstranded. 4438 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4439_E1-4] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-2hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4439 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4440_E13-15] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (10-12hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4440 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4441_E15-16] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (12-14hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4441 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4442_E16] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (14-16hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4442 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4443_E17(i)] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (16-18hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4443 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4444_E17(ii)] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (18-20hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4444 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4447_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (2-4hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4447 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4445_E17(iii)] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (20-22hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4445 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4446_E17(iv)] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (22-24hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4446 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4448_E9-11] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-6hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4448 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4449_E11-12] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (6-8hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4449 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4450_E12-13] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (8-10hr AEL), modENCODE, unstranded. 4450 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4451_L1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L1), modENCODE, unstranded. 4451 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4452_L2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L2), modENCODE, unstranded. 4452 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4453_L3_12hr] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, 12hr post-molt), modENCODE, unstranded. 4453 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4456_L3_PS7-9] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, clear gut), modENCODE, unstranded. 4456 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4454_L3_PS1-2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, dark gut), modENCODE, unstranded. 4454 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4455_L3_PS3-6] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, light gut), modENCODE, unstranded. 4455 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4459_P8] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pharate adult (2 days APF), modENCODE, unstranded. 4459 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4460_P9-10] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pharate adult (3 days APF), modENCODE, unstranded. 4460 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4461_P15] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pharate adult (4 days APF), modENCODE, unstranded. 4461 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4457_P5] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupa (12hr APF), modENCODE, unstranded. 4457 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4458_P6] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupa (24hr APF), modENCODE, unstranded. 4458 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4462_WPP] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, white prepupa, modENCODE, unstranded. 4462 SRX007811
Developmental Stages: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_tissues] D. melanogaster project Transcriptional profile of D. melanogaster tissues, stranded RNA-Seq, modENCODE. 3207 PRJNA75285 SRP003905 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4250_A_1d_carcass] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (1 day), carcass. 4250 SRX029379
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4251_A_1d_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (1 day), digestive system. 4251 SRX029381
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4252_A_20d_carcass] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (20 days), carcass. 4252 SRX029383
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4253_A_20d_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (20 days), digestive system. 4253 SRX029385
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4276_A_4d_Cd_0.05M] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 0.05M cadmium treatment. 4276 SRX043503
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4279_A_4d_Cd_0.1M] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 0.1M cadmium treatment. 4279 SRX043506 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4285_A_4d_Paraquat_10mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 10mM paraquat treatment. 4285 SRX043509 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4283_A_4d_Cu_15mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 15mM copper treatment. 4283 SRX043508 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4274_A_4d_Caffeine_2.5mg/ml] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 2.5mg/ml caffeine treatment. 4274 SRX043501 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4275_A_4d_Caffeine_25mg/ml] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 25mg/ml caffeine treatment. 4275 SRX043502 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4289_A_4d_Zn_4.5mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 4.5mM zinc treatment. 4289 SRX043513 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4286_A_4d_Paraquat_5mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), 5mM paraquat treatment. 4286 SRX043510
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4280_A_4d_Cold1] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), cold treatment 1. 4280 SRX043515 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4281_A_4d_Cold2] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), cold treatment 2. 4281 SRX043516 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4284_A_4d_Heatshock] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 day), heat shock treatment. 4284 SRX043517 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4254_A_4d_carcass] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 days), carcass. 4254 SRX029387
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4255_A_4d_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 days), digestive system. 4255 SRX029389
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4241_AF_mated_1d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (1 day), mated, head. 4241 SRX029367
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4263_AF_virgin_1d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (1 day), virgin, head. 4263 SRX029391
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4242_AF_mated_20d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (20 days), mated, head. 4242 SRX029368
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4264_AF_virgin_20d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (20 days), virgin, head. 4264 SRX029392
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4243_AF_mated_4d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), mated, head. 4243 SRX029369 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4244_AF_mated_4d_ovary] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), mated, ovary. 4244 SRX029370
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4265_AF_virgin_4d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), virgin, head. 4265 SRX029394
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4266_AF_virgin_4d_ovary] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), virgin, ovary. 4266 SRX029395
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4245_AM_mated_1d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (1 day), mated, head. 4245 SRX029371
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4246_AM_mated_20d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (20 days), mated, head. 4246 SRX029372
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4247_AM_mated_4d_accessory_gland] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (4 days), mated, accessory gland. 4247 SRX029374
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4248_AM_mated_4d_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (4 days), mated, head. 4248 SRX029376
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4249_AM_mated_4d_testis] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (4 days), mated, testis. 4249 SRX029378
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4256_P8_CNS] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, pharate adult (stage P8), CNS. 4256 SRX029404
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4267_P8_fat_body] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, pharate adult (stage P8), fat body. 4267 SRX029405
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_treatments] D. melanogaster project Transcriptional profile of D. melanogaster response to various treatments, stranded RNA-Seq, modENCODE. 3724 PRJNA75165 SRP005712 Treatments/Conditions: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4282_L3_Cu_0.5mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 0.5mM copper treatment. 4282 SRX043507 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4273_L3_Caffeine_1.5mg/ml] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 1.5mg/ml caffeine treatment. 4273 SRX043500 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4270_L3_EtOH_10] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 10% ethanol treatment. 4270 SRX043497 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4277_L3_Cd_12h] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 12hr 0.05M cadmium treatment. 4277 SRX043504 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4271_L3_EtOH_2.5] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 2.5% ethanol treatment. 4271 SRX043498 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4287_L3_Rotenone_2ug] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 2ug/ml rotenone treatment. 4287 SRX043511 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4272_L3_EtOH_5] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 5% ethanol treatment. 4272 SRX043499 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4290_L3_late_Zn_5mM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 5mM zinc treatment. 4290 SRX043514 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4278_L3_Cd_6hr] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 6hr 0.05M cadmium treatment. 4278 SRX043505 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4288_L3_Rotenone_8ug] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, 8ug/ml rotenone treatment. 4288 SRX043512 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4258_L3_carcass] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, carcass. 4258 SRX029397
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4257_L3_CNS] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, CNS. 4257 SRX029398 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4259_L3_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, digestive system. 4259 SRX029399
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4260_L3_fat_body] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, fat body. 4260 SRX029400 Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4261_L3_imaginal_disc] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, imaginal disc. 4261 SRX029401
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4262_L3_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, salivary gland. 4262 SRX029402
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4268_WPP_fat_body] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, white prepupa, fat body. 4268 SRX029407
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4269_WPP_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, white prepupa, salivary gland. 4269 SRX029409
Tissues: RPKM, JBrowse coverage, analysis tools (profile, region, similarity)
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3085_Dpse_AM_head] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, MV2-25 strain, adult male head. 3085 GSM499404 FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3086_Dpse_AF_head] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, MV2-25 strain, adult female head. 3086 GSM499403 FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3620_Dpse_AM] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult male. 3620 GSM694281
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3621_Dpse_AF] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult female. 3621 GSM694279
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4049_Dpse_AF_ovary] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult female ovary. 4049 GSM775498
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4047_Dpse_AF_carcass] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult female carcass. 4047 GSM775494
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4050_Dpse_AM_testis] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult male testis. 4050 GSM775500
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4048_Dpse_AM_carcass] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay RNA-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult male carcass. 4048 GSM775496
FlyBase JBrowse wig file available for download.
Expression [ RM_cDNA] D. melanogaster assay cDNA sequences of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo, 5' ends of capped transcripts. 34 JBrowse: TSS (modENCODE, embryo)
Expression [ RP_cDNA] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo, 5' ends of capped transcripts. 1041|1042|1043|1044 JBrowse: TSS (modENCODE, embryo)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Chromatin_types_mE2.BG3] D. melanogaster result 9-state chromatin model derived from analysis of histone modification ChIP, ML-DmBG3-c2 cells. 3362 JBrowse: Chromatin Domains (9-state model, BG3 cells)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Chromatin_types_mE1.S2] D. melanogaster result 9-state chromatin model derived from analysis of histone modification ChIP, S2-DRSC cells. 3363 JBrowse: Chromatin Domains (9-state model, S2 cells)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Insulator_Class_I.mE01] D. melanogaster result Insulators (type I) identified by ChIP-chip of Cp190, BEAF-32 and CTCF in embryos. 2946 JBrowse: Insulators (modENCODE, class I)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Insulator_Class_II.mE01] D. melanogaster result Insulators (type II) identified by ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in embryos. 2946 JBrowse: Insulators (modENCODE, class II)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ mE_Early_Replication_Origins_cells] D. melanogaster result Early replication origins, analysis of three cell lines (meta-peaks). 3441 JBrowse: Origins of replication (modENCODE, Kc, S2, BG3 cells)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2559_HDAC1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2559 GSE25956 JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2560_HDAC1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2560 GSE25957 JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2563_HDAC4_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC4 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2563 GSE25960 JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2564_HDAC4_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC4 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2564 GSE25961 JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE919_H3K27me3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 919 GSE16245 JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE622_H3K4me3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 622 GSE15980
JBrowse: Putative PREs (modENCODE)
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2574_hairy_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of hairy in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2574 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embyro, Helix-loop-helix TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE618_kn_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of kn in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 618 GSE15984 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embyro, Helix-loop-helix TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE615_ttk_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of ttk in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 615 GSE15987 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embryo, BTB/POS ChIP TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE628_bab1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of bab1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 628 GSE15908 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embryo, BTB/POS ChIP TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE23_Trl_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Trl in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 23 GSE16245 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embryo, BTB/POS ChIP TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE608_chinmo_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of chinmo in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 608 GSE15959 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
whole embryo, BTB/POS ChIP TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE606_Dll_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Dll in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 606 GSE15963 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2578_cad_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of cad in D. melanogaster, cad-GFP, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 2578 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE902_cad_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of cad in D. melanogaster, cad-GFP, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 902 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2626_cad_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of cad in D. melanogaster, cad-GFP, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 2626 GSE20000 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2570_cad_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of cad in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 2570 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2637_cad_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of cad in D. melanogaster, cad-GFP, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 2637 GSE20000 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE625_en_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of en in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 625 GSE15964 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2603_eve_E3-11] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of eve in D. melanogaster, eve-YFP, embryo (1-6 hr AEL). 2603 GSE26221 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE605_inv_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of inv in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 605 GSE15982 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE619_inv_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of inv in D. melanogaster, inv-GFP, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 619 GSE15983 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE614_Ubx_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Ubx in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 614 GSE15988 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE613_Ubx_E7-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Ubx in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (3-8 hr AEL). 613 GSE15992 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE612_Ubx_E7-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Ubx in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (3-8 hr AEL). 612 GSE15993 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE603_Ubx_E7-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Ubx in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (3-8 hr AEL). 603 GSE15994 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, homeodomain TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE626_Dichaete_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Dichaete in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 626 GSE15927 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2571_Dichaete_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Dichaete in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2571 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE617_run_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of run in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 617 GSE15985 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2576_jumu_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of jumu in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2576 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE616_Stat92E_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Stat92E in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 616 GSE15986 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE627_cnc_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of cnc in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 627 GSE15926 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, Other classes TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2572_disco_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of disco in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2572 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE624_ftz-f1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of ftz-f1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 624 GSE15965 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE898_Kr_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kr in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 898 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE979_sens_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of sens in D. melanogaster, sens-GFP, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 979 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE978_sens_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of sens in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 978 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2577_sens_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of sens in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 2577 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE604_zfh1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of zfh1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 604 GSE15989 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE609_sbb_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of sbb in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 609 GSE15958 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2569_sbb_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of sbb in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 2569 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2573_GATAe_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of GATAe in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2573 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2575_hkb_E1-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of hkb in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-8 hr AEL). 2575 GSE25259 JBrowse: whole embryo, TFBS HOT spot analysis
JBrowse: whole embryo, ZINC Finger TFBS
Expression [ modENCODE_mRNA-Seq_cell.A] D. melanogaster project Transcriptional profile of D. melanogaster cell lines, unstranded RNA-Seq, modENCODE. 560 PRJNA168994 GSE15596 SRP000709 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE2549_E1-17] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-24hr AEL), modENCODE. 2549 SRX015329 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5338_E1-4] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-2hr AEL), modENCODE. 5338 SRX142938 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5343_E15-16] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (12-14hr AEL), modENCODE. 5343 SRX142935 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5344_E17(i)] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (16-18hr AEL), modENCODE. 5344 SRX142936 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5339_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (2-4hr AEL), modENCODE. 5339 SRX142939 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5345_E17(iii)] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (20-22hr AEL), modENCODE. 5345 SRX142937 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5340_E9-11] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-6hr AEL), modENCODE. 5340 SRX142940 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5341_E11-12] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (6-8hr AEL), modENCODE. 5341 SRX142941 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5342_E12-13] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (8-10hr AEL), modENCODE. 5342 SRX142942 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5346_L1] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L1), modENCODE. 5346 SRX142951 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5347_L2] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L2), modENCODE. 5347 SRX142952 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5348_L3_12hr] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, 12hr post-molt), modENCODE. 5348 SRX142953 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5349_L3_PS3-6] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, larva (L3, light gut), modENCODE. 5349 SRX142954 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5350_P5] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupa (12hr APF), modENCODE. 5350 SRX142955 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5351_P8] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupa (24hr APF), modENCODE. 5351 SRX142945 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5332_Kc167_cytoplasm] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line, cytoplasmic fraction, modENCODE. 5332 SRX142943
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5333_Kc167_nucleus] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line, nuclear fraction, modENCODE. 5333 SRX142944
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5335_ML-DmBG3-c2_0hr_ecdysone] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, 0hr ecdysone, modENCODE. 5335 SRX142917 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5337_ML-DmBG3-c2_24hr_ecdysone] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, 24hr ecdysone, modENCODE. 5337 SRX142915 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5336_ML-DmBG3-c2_5hr_ecdysone] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, 5hr ecdysone, modENCODE. 5336 SRX142916 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5334_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, modENCODE. 5334 SRX142914 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5356_A_20d_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (20 days), digestive system. 5356 SRX142925 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5353_A_4d_carcass] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 days), carcass. 5353 SRX142926 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5355_A_4d_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult (4 days), digestive system. 5355 SRX142927 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5360_AF_mated_1d_head] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (1 day), mated, head. 5360 SRX142918 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5362_AF_mated_20d_head] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (20 days), mated, head. 5362 SRX142919 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5367_AF_mated_4d_ovary] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), mated, ovary. 5367 SRX142920 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5368_AF_virgin_4d_ovary] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female (4 days), virgin, ovary. 5368 SRX142928 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5361_AM_mated_1d_head] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (1 day), mated, head. 5361 SRX142921 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5363_AM_mated_20d_head] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (20 days), mated, head. 5363 SRX142922 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5365_AM_mated_4d_accessory_gland] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (4 days), mated, accessory gland. 5365 SRX142923 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5366_AM_mated_4d_testis] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult male (4 days), mated, testis. 5366 SRX142924
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5359_P8_CNS] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, pharate adult (stage P8), CNS. 5359 SRX142933 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5357_P8_fat_body] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, pharate adult (stage P8), fat body. 5357 SRX142934 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5352_L3_carcass] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, carcass. 5352 SRX142929 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5358_L3_CNS] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, CNS. 5358 SRX142930 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5354_L3_digestive_system] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, digestive system. 5354 SRX142931 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5364_L3_imag_disc] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, third instar larva, imaginal disc. 5364 SRX142932 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5331_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay CAGE-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, modENCODE. 5331 SRX142946
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3631_Dmel_AF] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, adult female. 3631 GSM694258
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3632_Dmel_AM] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, adult male. 3632 GSM694260
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3083_Dmel_AF_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R strain, adult female head. 3083 GSM509821
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3084_Dmel_AM_head] D. melanogaster assay RNA-Seq of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R strain, adult male head. 3084 GSM509822
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3617_Dana_AF] D. ananassae assay RNA-Seq of D. ananassae, adult female. 3617 GSM694275
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6115_Dbii_E] D. biarmipes assay RNA-Seq of D. biarmipes, embryo. 6115 GSM1060482 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6107_Dbii_AF] D. biarmipes assay RNA-Seq of D. biarmipes, adult female. 6107 GSM1060483 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6099_Dbii_AM] D. biarmipes assay RNA-Seq of D. biarmipes, adult male. 6099 GSM1060484 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6113_Dbip_E] D. bipectinata assay RNA-Seq of D. bipectinata, embryo. 6113 GSM1060485 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6105_Dbip_AF] D. bipectinata assay RNA-Seq of D. bipectinata, adult female. 6105 GSM1060486 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6097_Dbip_AM] D. bipectinata assay RNA-Seq of D. bipectinata, adult male. 6097 GSM1060487 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6114_Dele_E] D. elegans assay RNA-Seq of D. elegans, embryo. 6114 GSM1060488 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6106_Dele_AF] D. elegans assay RNA-Seq of D. elegans, adult female. 6106 GSM1060489 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6098_Dele_AM] D. elegans assay RNA-Seq of D. elegans, adult male. 6098 GSM1060490 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6112_Deug_E] D. eugracilis assay RNA-Seq of D. eugracilis, embryo. 6112 GSM1060491 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6104_Deug_AF] D. eugracilis assay RNA-Seq of D. eugracilis, adult female. 6104 GSM1060492 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6096_Deug_AM] D. eugracilis assay RNA-Seq of D. eugracilis, adult male. 6096 GSM1060493 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6111_Dfic_E] D. ficusphila assay RNA-Seq of D. ficusphila, embryo. 6111 GSM1060494 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6103_Dfic_AF] D. ficusphila assay RNA-Seq of D. ficusphila, adult female. 6103 GSM1060495
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6095_Dfic_AM] D. ficusphila assay RNA-Seq of D. ficusphila, adult male. 6095 GSM1060497
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6110_Dkik_E] D. kikkawai assay RNA-Seq of D. kikkawai, embryo. 6110 GSM1060499 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6102_Dkik_AF] D. kikkawai assay RNA-Seq of D. kikkawai, adult female. 6102 GSM1060500 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6094_Dkik_AM] D. kikkawai assay RNA-Seq of D. kikkawai, adult male. 6094 GSM1060501 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3610_Dmoj_AM] D. mojavensis assay RNA-Seq of D. mojavensis, adult male. 3610 GSM694285
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3611_Dmoj_AF] D. mojavensis assay RNA-Seq of D. mojavensis, adult female. 3611 GSM694283
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3087_Dmoj_AF_head] D. mojavensis assay RNA-Seq of D. mojavensis, adult female head. 3087 GSM522266
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3086_Dmoj_AM_head] D. mojavensis assay RNA-Seq of D. mojavensis, adult male head. 3086 GSM522268
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5369_Dpse_AF_carcass] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay CAGE-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult female carcass, modENCODE. 5369 SRX142947 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5370_Dpse_AM_carcass] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay CAGE-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult male carcass, modENCODE. 5370 SRX142948 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5371_Dpse_AF_ovary] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay CAGE-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult female ovary, modENCODE. 5371 SRX142949 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ CAGE-Seq_mE5372_Dpse_AM_testis] D. pseudoobscura pseudoobscura assay CAGE-Seq of D. pseudoobscura, adult male testis, modENCODE. 5372 SRX142950 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6108_Drho_E] D. rhopaloa assay RNA-Seq of D. rhopaloa, embryo. 6108 GSM1060502 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6100_Drho_AF] D. rhopaloa assay RNA-Seq of D. rhopaloa, adult female. 6100 GSM1060503 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6092_Drho_AM] D. rhopaloa assay RNA-Seq of D. rhopaloa, adult male. 6092 GSM1060504 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3608_Dsim_AM] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult male. 3608 GSM694264
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3609_Dsim_AF] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult female. 3609 GSM694262
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3623_Dsim_AM] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult male. 3623 GSM694268
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3622_Dsim_AF] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult female. 3622 GSM694266
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4053_Dsim_AF_ovary] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult female ovary. 4053 GSM775506
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4051_Dsim_AF_carcass] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult female carcass. 4051 GSM775502
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4054_Dsim_AM_testis] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult male testis. 4054 GSM775508
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE4052_Dsim_AM_carcass] D. simulans assay RNA-Seq of D. simulans, adult male carcass. 4052 GSM775504
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6109_Dtak_E] D. takahashii assay RNA-Seq of D. takahashii, embryo. 6109 GSM1060505 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6101_Dtak_AF] D. takahashii assay RNA-Seq of D. takahashii, adult female. 6101 GSM1060506 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE6093_Dtak_AM] D. takahashii assay RNA-Seq of D. takahashii, adult male. 6093 GSM1060507 Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3613_Dvir_AF] D. virilis assay RNA-Seq of D. virilis, adult female. 3613 GSM694287
Dataset metadata only.
Expression [ RNA-Seq_mE3615_Dyak_AF] D. yakuba assay RNA-Seq of D. yakuba, adult female. 3615 GSM694271
Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ mE_Orc2_ChIP-Seq_cells] D. melanogaster result Orc2 binding sites, analysis of ChIP-Seq in three cell lines (meta-peaks). 3388 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Chromatin_types_mE_30-state.BG3] D. melanogaster result 30-state chromatin model derived from analysis of histone modification ChIP, ML-DmBG3-c2 cells. 3364 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Chromatin_types_mE_30-state.S2] D. melanogaster result 30-state chromatin model derived from analysis of histone modification ChIP, S2-DRSC cells. 3365 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE5522_A_fat_body] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr-Weaver strain, adult fat body. 5522 GSE38440 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE2384_A_follicle_cells] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-modENCODE strain, adult female follicle cell. 2384 GSE17290 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE2385_A_follicle_cells] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr-Weaver strain, adult female follicle cell. 2385 GSE17291 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE5521_A_malpighian_tubule] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr-Weaver strain, adult Malpighian tubule. 5521 GSE38439 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE5520_A_midgut] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr-Weaver strain, adult midgut. 5520 GSE38438 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE2544_A_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult salivary gland. 2544 GSE17288 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE2545_A_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr-Weaver strain, adult salivary gland. 2545 GSE17289 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE4717_L3_fatbody] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, third instar larval fat body. 4717 PRJNA139529 GSE28178 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE4718_L3_midgut] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, third instar larval midgut. 4718 PRJNA139531 GSE28179 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CGH_mE725_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay Comparative genomic hybridization of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 725 GSE17292 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE3201_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line, source for CNV-Seq. 3201 GSE28136 SRP006171 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE5525_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line, source for CNV-Seq, paired-end. 5525 GSE41348 SRP016079 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE2552_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167, cell line, source for CNV-Seq. 2552 GSE19957 SRP001738 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE5523_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167, cell line, source for CNV-Seq, paired-end. 5523 GSE41346 SRP016077 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE2553_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2, cell line, source for CNV-Seq. 2553 GSE19958 SRP001739 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE2551_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC, cell line, source for CNV-Seq. 2551 GSE19956 SRP001737 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ CNV-Seq_mE5524_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay CNV-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC, cell line, source for CNV-Seq, paired-end. 5524 GSE41347 SRP016078 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE709_ORI_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line, source for replication origins mapping. 709 GSE17285 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE711_ORI_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, source for replication origins mapping. 711 GSE17287 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE710_ORI_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, source for replication origins mapping. 710 GSE17286 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE668_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 668 GSE17279 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE670_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 670 GSE17281 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-chip_mE669_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay Repli-chip of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 669 GSE17280 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-Seq_mE3630_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay Repli-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3630 GSE38709 SRP013765 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-Seq_mE5526_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay Repli-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5526 GSE41349 SRP016080 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-Seq_mE5528_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay Repli-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5528 GSE41351 SRP016083 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ Repli-Seq_mE5527_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay Repli-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5527 GSE41350 SRP016082 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE675_Mcm2-7_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Mcm proteins in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 675 GSE17283 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE674_Orc2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 674 GSE17282 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4351_Orc2_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 4351 GSE38558 SRP013612 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4352_Pol_II_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 4352 GSE38559 SRP013613 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3247_Orc2_E1-17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, embryos (0-24hr). 3247 GSE28067 SRP006147 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3251_Pol_II_E1-17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II in D. melanogaster, embryos (0-24hr). 3251 GSE28068 SRP006148 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3628_Orc2_E1-4] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, embryos (0-2hr). 3628 GSE38293 SRP013425 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3625_Pol_II_E1-4] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II in D. melanogaster, embryos (0-2hr). 3625 GSE38292 SRP013424 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4192_Orc2_E9-11] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, embryos (4-7hr). 4192 GSE36106 SRP011135 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4193_Pol_II_E9-11] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II in D. melanogaster, embryos (4-7hr). 4193 GSE36107 SRP011137 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2783_Mcm2-7_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Mcm proteins in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 2783 GSE20890 SRP002094 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2755_Orc2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 2755 GSE20889 SRP002093 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3253_Orc2_L3_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, Oregon-R-Orr Weaver strain, third instar larval salivary gland. 3253 GSE28069 SRP006149 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3253_Orc2_mut_SuUR_L3_salivary_gland] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, SuUR mutant, third instar larval salivary gland. 3253 GSE28069 SRP006149 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2754_Orc2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2754 GSE20888 SRP002092 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2979_Mcm2-7_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Mcm proteins in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2979 GSE28065 SRP006146 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2753_Orc2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Orc2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2753 GSE20887 SRP002091 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3664_BEAF-32_RNAi_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, Cp190 knockdown. 3664 GSE32774 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3747_Cp190_RNAi_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, Cp190 knockdown. 3747 GSE32816 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3671_CTCF_RNAi_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, Cp190 knockdown. 3671 GSE32781 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3714_su(Hw)_RNAi_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, Cp190 knockdown. 3714 GSE32808 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3669_Cp190_RNAi_mod(mdg4)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, mod(mdg4) knockdown. 3669 GSE32779 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3717_su(Hw)_RNAi_mod(mdg4)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, mod(mdg4) knockdown. 3717 GSE32811 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3670_Cp190_RNAi_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 3670 GSE32780 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3674_CTCF_RNAi_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 3674 GSE32784 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3718_su(Hw)_RNAi_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 3718 GSE32812 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5147_su(Hw)_RNAi_su(Hw)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 5147 GSE45766 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3893_Su(var)205_RNAi_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, Su(var)205 knockdown. 3893 GSE32856 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3663_BEAF-32_RNAi_BEAF-32_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, BEAF-32 knockdown. 3663 GSE32773 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3666_Cp190_RNAi_BEAF-32_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, BEAF-32 knockdown. 3666 GSE32776 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3667_Cp190_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3667 GSE32777 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3672_CTCF_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3672 GSE32782 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3715_su(Hw)_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3715 GSE32809 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5600_HP4_RNAi_HP4_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP4 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, HP4 knockdown. 5600 GSE45767 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3712_Pol_II_Ser5P_RNAi_egg_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, egg knockdown. 3712 GSE32806 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5056_Acf_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Acf in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5056 GSE45067 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3744_ash1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of ash1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3744 GSE32814 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3279_ash1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of ash1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3279 GSE32748 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2984_ash1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of ash1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2984 GSE25361 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3745_BEAF-32_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3745 GSE32815 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3665_BEAF-32_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3665 GSE32775 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE921_BEAF-32_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 921 GSE20811 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE274_BEAF-32_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 274 GSE20760 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE922_BEAF-32_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 922 GSE20812 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4176_blanks_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of blanks in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4176 GSE44517 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE276_Chro_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 276 GSE20762 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE277_Chro_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 277 GSE20763 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE275_Chro_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 275 GSE20761 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE278_Chro_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 278 GSE20764 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE279_Chro_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 279 GSE20765 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3748_Cp190_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3748 GSE32817 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE924_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 924 GSE20814 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3668_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3668 GSE32778 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE925_Cp190_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 925 GSE20815 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE280_Cp190_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 280 GSE20766 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3749_CTCF_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3749 GSE32818 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3280_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3280 GSE32749 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE282_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 282 GSE20767 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3673_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3673 GSE32783 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3281_CTCF_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3281 GSE32750 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE283_CTCF_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 283 GSE20768 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5146_dre4_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dre4 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5146 GSE45093 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3058_dre4_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dre4 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3058 GSE25372 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3803_dwg_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dwg in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3803 GSE32852 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3064_dwg_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dwg in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3064 GSE25373 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3804_dwg_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dwg in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3804 GSE32853 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3790_E(bx)_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(bx) in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3790 GSE32845 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5063_E(bx)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(bx) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5063 GSE45072 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE947_E(bx)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(bx) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 947 GSE20829 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3048_E(bx)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(bx) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3048 GSE27807 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3752_E(z)_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(z) in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3752 GSE32821 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2987_E(z)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(z) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2987 GSE27729 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2650_E(z)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(z) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2650 GSE23465 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2988_E(z)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(z) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2988 GSE27730 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE284_E(z)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of E(z) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 284 GSE20769 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3296_HDAC1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3296 GSE32765 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4188_HDAC1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 4188 GSE44523 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3057_HDAC1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3057 GSE27768 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3017_HP1b_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3017 GSE27744 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3019_HP1b_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3019 GSE27745 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4127_HP1b_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 4127 GSE44516 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3016_HP1b_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3016 GSE44462 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE941_HP1b_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 941 GSE20823 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3020_HP1b_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3020 GSE27746 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2669_HP1c_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 2669 GSE23484 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2670_HP1c_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 2670 GSE23485 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE942_HP1c_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 942 GSE20824 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE943_HP1c_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 943 GSE20825 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3291_HP1c_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3291 GSE32760 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4186_HP4_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP4 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 4186 GSE44882 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4185_HP4_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP4 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 4185 GSE44521 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3948_HP4_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP4 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3948 GSE44510 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3031_Iswi_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Iswi in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3031 GSE27751 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3030_Iswi_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Iswi in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3030 GSE27750 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5062_Iswi_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Iswi in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5062 GSE45071 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3032_Iswi_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Iswi in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3032 GSE27752 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3036_JIL-1_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3036 GSE27800 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3037_JIL-1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3037 GSE27801 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3035_JIL-1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3035 GSE27754 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3038_JIL-1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3038 GSE27757 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE945_JIL-1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 945 GSE20827 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3708_Kdm2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kdm2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3708 GSE32803 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5145_Kdm2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kdm2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5145 GSE45092 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4714_Kdm2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kdm2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4714 GSE45061 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3783_Kdm4A_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kdm4A in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3783 GSE32838 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3784_Kdm4A_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Kdm4A in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3784 GSE32839 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3786_Lsd-1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3786 GSE32841 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3785_Lsd-1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3785 GSE32840 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3949_Lsd-1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3949 GSE44511 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3787_MBD-R2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MBD-R2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3787 GSE32842 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE946_MBD-R2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MBD-R2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 946 GSE20828 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3039_MBD-R2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MBD-R2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3039 GSE27802 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3675_Mi-2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Mi-2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3675 GSE32785 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE926_Mi-2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Mi-2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 926 GSE20816 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3676_Mi-2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Mi-2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3676 GSE32786 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3040_mle_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mle in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3040 GSE27759 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3788_mle_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mle in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3788 GSE32843 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3789_mod(mdg4)_isoform_2.2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mod(mdg4), isoform 2.2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3789 GSE32844 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE324_mod(mdg4)_isoform_2.2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mod(mdg4), isoform 2.2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 324 GSE20802 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2674_mod(mdg4)_isoform_2.2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mod(mdg4), isoform 2.2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2674 GSE23489 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3042_mof_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mof in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3042 GSE27804 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3043_mof_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mof in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3043 GSE27805 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3041_mof_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mof in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3041 GSE27803 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3044_mof_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mof in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3044 GSE27806 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3046_MRG15_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MRG15 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3046 GSE25366 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3045_MRG15_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MRG15 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3045 GSE25365 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3047_MRG15_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MRG15 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3047 GSE25367 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3950_MRG15_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of MRG15 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3950 GSE44512 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3293_msl-1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of msl-1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3293 GSE32762 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3791_Pc_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pc in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3791 GSE32846 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE325_Pc_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pc in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 325 GSE20803 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE326_Pc_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pc in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 326 GSE20804 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3792_Pcl_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pcl in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3792 GSE32847 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE948_Pcl_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pcl in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 948 GSE20830 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3049_Pcl_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pcl in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3049 GSE27765 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3894_pho_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of pho in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3894 GSE32857 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3050_piwi_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of piwi in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3050 GSE25368 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE949_piwi_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of piwi in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 949 GSE20831 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3710_Pof_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3710 GSE32805 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3052_Pof_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3052 GSE27808 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3897_Pof_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3897 GSE32858 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3294_Pof_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3294 GSE32763 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE327_Pol_II_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II (RpII215) in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 327 GSE20805 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE328_Pol_II_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II (RpII215) in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 328 GSE20806 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE950_Pol_II_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II (RpII215) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 950 GSE20832 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE329_Pol_II_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II (RpII215) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 329 GSE20807 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5576_Pol_II_Ser2P_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser2P in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 5576 GSE48513 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5570_Pol_II_Ser2P_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser2P in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5570 GSE49499 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5579_Pol_II_Ser5P_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 5579 GSE49501 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5580_Pol_II_Ser5P_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 5580 GSE49502 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5571_Pol_II_Ser5P_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5571 GSE49500 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5569_Pol_II_Ser5P_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5569 GSE48512 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3295_Pol_II_Ser5P_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3295 GSE32764 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3713_Pol_II_Ser5P_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3713 GSE32807 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5065_PR-Set7_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of PR-Set7 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5065 GSE45074 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3054_PR-Set7_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of PR-Set7 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3054 GSE27810 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3797_Psc_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Psc in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3797 GSE32849 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3055_Psc_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Psc in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3055 GSE25370 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3056_Psc_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Psc in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3056 GSE25371 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4187_rhi_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of rhi in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4187 GSE44522 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3750_Sce_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sce in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3750 GSE32819 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE927_Sce_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sce in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 927 GSE20817 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE928_Sce_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sce in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 928 GSE20818 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5132_Sfmbt_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5132 GSE45079 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2986_Sfmbt_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2986 GSE27728 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3751_Sfmbt_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3751 GSE32820 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3800_SMC3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of SMC3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3800 GSE32851 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4128_SMC3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of SMC3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4128 GSE45054 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3801_su(Hw)_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3801 GSE51964 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE951_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 951 GSE20833 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3716_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3716 GSE32810 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE330_su(Hw)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 330 GSE20808 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3719_su(Hw)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3719 GSE32813 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE331_su(Hw)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 331 GSE20809 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3027_Su(var)2-HP2_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3027 GSE27797 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3029_Su(var)2-HP2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3029 GSE27798 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3026_Su(var)2-HP2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3026 GSE27747 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE944_Su(var)2-HP2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 944 GSE20826 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2667_Su(var)205_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 2667 GSE23482 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2666_Su(var)205_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2666 GSE23481 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4126_Su(var)205_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 4126 GSE44515 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE6074_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 6074 GSE45769 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3707_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3707 GSE32802 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3700_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3700 GSE32799 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3777_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3777 GSE32836 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2668_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2668 GSE23483 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE323_Su(var)205_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 323 GSE32728 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3060_Su(var)3-7_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3060 GSE27769 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2671_Su(var)3-7_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2671 GSE23486 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2672_Su(var)3-7_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2672 GSE23487 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3899_Su(var)3-9_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3899 GSE32860 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE952_Su(var)3-9_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 952 GSE20834 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3061_Su(var)3-9_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3061 GSE27812 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2673_Su(var)3-9_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2673 GSE23488 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5058_Top2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Top2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5058 GSE45069 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3945_Top2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Top2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3945 GSE44509 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3753_Trl_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Trl in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3753 GSE32822 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2651_Trl_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Trl in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2651 GSE23466 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE285_Trl_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Trl in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 285 GSE20770 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3062_wds_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of wds in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3062 GSE27771 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5148_wds_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of wds in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5148 GSE45094 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE953_wds_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of wds in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 953 GSE20835 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ DNase-Seq_mE3325_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay DNase-Seq of D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3325 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ DNase-Seq_mE3323_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay DNase-Seq of D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3323 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ DNase-Seq_mE3324_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay DNase-Seq of D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3324 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5599_HDAC1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5599 GSE47333 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3778_HP1b_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3778 GSE44491 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5590_HP1b_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1b in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5590 GSE47326 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3779_HP1c_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3779 GSE44492 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5591_HP1c_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1c in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5591 GSE47327 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5575_Kdm2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Kdm2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5575 GSE47314 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5594_Kdm4A_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Kdm4A in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5594 GSE47330 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5574_Lsd-1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5574 GSE47313 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3796_Pof_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3796 GSE44497 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5598_Pof_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pof in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5598 GSE47332 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5124_Pol_II_Ser5P_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5124 GSE47304 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5577_Sfmbt_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5577 GSE47315 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3781_Su(var)2-HP2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3781 GSE44494 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5593_Su(var)2-HP2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5593 GSE47329 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE957_Su(var)205_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 957 GSE23461 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5592_Su(var)205_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5592 GSE47328 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5606_Su(var)3-7_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5606 GSE47334 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3802_Su(var)3-9_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3802 GSE44499 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3947_Su(var)205_AF_ovary] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, adult female ovary. 3947 GSE45523 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3701_HP1c_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3701 GSE44475 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3896_Pof_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3896 GSE44506 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3798_Pol_II_Ser5P_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3798 GSE44498 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4203_Su(var)205_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 4203 GSE44529 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3951_piwi_mut_piwi_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of piwi in D. melanogaster, piwi mutant, third instar larval stage. 3951 GSE44513 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5061_Su(var)205_mut_piwi_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, piwi mutant, third instar larval stage. 5061 GSE44884 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3703_Su(var)205_mut_Mt2_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, Mt2 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3703 GSE44477 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5573_HP1b_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5573 GSE45099 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5604_HP1b_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5604 GSE45101 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5603_HP1c_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5603 GSE44887 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5616_Pol_II_Ser5P_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5616 GSE45104 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5607_Su(var)205_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5607 GSE44889 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3794_Pof_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 3794 GSE44496 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4204_Pol_II_Ser5P_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 4204 GSE44530 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3780_Su(var)205_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 3780 GSE44493 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4184_HP1b_mut_HP1c_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, HP1c mutant, third instar larval stage. 4184 GSE45058 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3711_Pol_II_Ser5P_mut_HP1c_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, HP1c mutant, third instar larval stage. 3711 GSE44479 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE6075_Su(var)205_mut_HP1c_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, HP1c mutant, third instar larval stage. 6075 GSE44897 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5614_Pol_II_Ser5P_mut_G9a_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, G9a mutant, third instar larval stage. 5614 GSE45103 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5572_Su(var)205_mut_G9a_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, G9a mutant, third instar larval stage. 5572 GSE44885 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3793_Pof_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 3793 GSE44495 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3702_Su(var)205_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 3702 GSE44476 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4190_Su(var)3-9_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 4190 GSE44524 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5263_Su(var)205_mut_AGO2_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, AGO2 mutant, third instar larval stage. 5263 GSE45097 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3706_Su(var)205_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3706 GSE44478 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3892_Su(var)205_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3892 GSE44504 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4200_Su(var)3-7_A] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, adult stage. 4200 GSE45060 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3954_BEAF-32_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3954 GSE51986 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2648_Chro_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2648 GSE23464 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3746_Chro_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Chro in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3746 GSE44480 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5068_Chro_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Chro in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5068 GSE47263 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3959_Cp190_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3959 GSE47234 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5069_CTCF_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of CTCF in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5069 GSE47264 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5129_dwg_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of dwg in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5129 GSE47308 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5119_E(bx)_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of E(bx) in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5119 GSE47300 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5125_HDAC1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5125 GSE47305 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3015_HP1b_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3015 GSE32739 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3290_HP1b_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3290 GSE32759 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5111_HP1b_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1b in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5111 GSE47294 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3021_HP1c_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3021 GSE32740 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5587_HP1c_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1c in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5587 GSE47323 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4944_HP4_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP4 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4944 GSE47251 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3034_JIL-1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3034 GSE32746 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5114_Kdm2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Kdm2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5114 GSE47296 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5116_Lsd-1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5116 GSE47297 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5117_MBD-R2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of MBD-R2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5117 GSE47298 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5070_Mi-2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Mi-2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5070 GSE47265 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5118_mof_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of mof in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5118 GSE47299 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3957_Pc_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pc in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3957 GSE47232 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3895_Pof_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3895 GSE44505 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5120_Pof_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pof in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5120 GSE47301 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5122_Pol_II_Ser5P_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5122 GSE47302 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3960_Psc_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Psc in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3960 GSE47235 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5071_Sce_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Sce in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5071 GSE47266 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3958_su(Hw)_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3958 GSE47233 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3025_Su(var)2-HP2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3025 GSE32744 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5264_Su(var)2-HP2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5264 GSE47312 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3024_Su(var)205_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3024 GSE32743 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3956_Su(var)205_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3956 GSE47231 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3297_Su(var)3-7_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3297 GSE32766 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4943_Su(var)3-7_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4943 GSE47250 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4119_Trl_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Trl in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4119 GSE47236 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5130_BEAF-32_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5130 GSE45077 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5131_Cp190_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5131 GSE45078 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5057_CTCF_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5057 GSE45068 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5265_dwg_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of dwg in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5265 GSE45098 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3022_HP1c_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 3022 GSE32741 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5064_Pc_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pc in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5064 GSE45073 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3952_Pof_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 3952 GSE44880 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5255_Sce_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sce in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5255 GSE45095 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5256_Sfmbt_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5256 GSE45096 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5066_su(Hw)_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5066 GSE45075 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3944_Su(var)2-HP2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 3944 GSE44508 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2665_Su(var)205_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 2665 GSE23480 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE6387_Trl_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Trl in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 6387 GSE45528 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4189_HDAC1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4189 GSE45525 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5126_HDAC1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5126 GSE47306 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3018_HP1b_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1b in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3018 GSE44463 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5110_HP1b_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1b in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5110 GSE48511 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3023_HP1c_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP1c in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3023 GSE32742 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5112_HP1c_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HP1c in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5112 GSE49495 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3782_HP4_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HP4 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3782 GSE32837 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3292_JIL-1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of JIL-1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3292 GSE32761 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5115_Kdm4A_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Kdm4A in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5115 GSE51987 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5597_Lsd-1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Lsd-1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5597 GSE47331 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3051_piwi_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of piwi in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3051 GSE25369 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3053_Pof_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3053 GSE32747 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5121_Pof_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pof in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5121 GSE51988 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3799_Pol_II_Ser5P_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3799 GSE32850 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5123_Pol_II_Ser5P_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Pol II Ser5P in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5123 GSE47303 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5072_Sfmbt_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Sfmbt in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5072 GSE48508 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5568_SMC3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of SMC3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5568 GSE51989 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3028_Su(var)2-HP2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3028 GSE32745 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5113_Su(var)2-HP2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)2-HP2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5113 GSE47295 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE955_Su(var)205_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 955 GSE23460 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4936_Su(var)205_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4936 GSE47243 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3059_Su(var)3-7_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3059 GSE44464 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5127_Su(var)3-7_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)3-7 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5127 GSE47307 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3898_Su(var)3-9_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3898 GSE32859 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5128_Su(var)3-9_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of Su(var)3-9 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5128 GSE49496 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5067_wds_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of wds in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5067 GSE45076 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4199_piwi_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of piwi in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4199 GSE45059 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3795_Pof_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3795 GSE32848 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3704_Su(var)205_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3704 GSE32800 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3709_Pof_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Pof in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3709 GSE32804 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3705_Su(var)205_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Su(var)205 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3705 GSE32801 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3680_H3K27me3_RNAi_Cp190_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, Cp190 knockdown. 3680 GSE32789 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5595_His2Av_RNAi_His2Av_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2Av in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line, His2Av knockdown. 5595 GSE51990 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3683_H3K27me3_RNAi_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 3683 GSE32792 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3691_H3K4me3_RNAi_su(Hw)_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, su(Hw) knockdown. 3691 GSE32796 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3679_H3K27me3_RNAi_BEAF-32_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, BEAF-32 knockdown. 3679 GSE32788 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3681_H3K27me3_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3681 GSE32790 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3583_H3K4me3_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3583 GSE51963 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3537_H3K4me3_RNAi_CTCF_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line, CTCF knockdown. 3537 GSE32772 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3283_H2BK5ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H2BK5ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3283 GSE32752 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE930_H3K18ac_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 930 GSE20819 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2996_H3K18ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 2996 GSE27733 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE291_H3K18ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 291 GSE20774 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE292_H3K18ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 292 GSE20775 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3755_H3K23ac_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3755 GSE32823 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2998_H3K23ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 2998 GSE27788 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE293_H3K23ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 293 GSE20776 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE294_H3K23ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 294 GSE20777 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3757_H3K27ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3757 GSE32824 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE295_H3K27ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 295 GSE20778 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE296_H3K27ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 296 GSE20779 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3942_H3K27me1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3942 GSE51966 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3941_H3K27me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3941 GSE51965 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3943_H3K27me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3943 GSE44507 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2999_H3K27me2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2999 GSE27789 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3000_H3K27me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3000 GSE27790 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3758_H3K27me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3758 GSE32825 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5136_H3K27me3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5136 GSE45083 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE297_H3K27me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 297 GSE20780 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3682_H3K27me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3682 GSE32791 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE298_H3K27me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 298 GSE20781 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3002_H3K36me1_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3002 GSE27791 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3003_H3K36me1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3003 GSE27738 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE299_H3K36me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 299 GSE20782 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3170_H3K36me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3170 GSE25374 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE6389_H3K36me2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 6389 GSE51992 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3004_H3K36me3_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3004 GSE27739 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE302_H3K36me3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 302 GSE20784 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE301_H3K36me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 301 GSE20783 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE303_H3K36me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 303 GSE20785 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5138_H3K4me1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5138 GSE45085 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2653_H3K4me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2653 GSE23468 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3760_H3K4me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3760 GSE32826 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE304_H3K4me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 304 GSE20786 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4935_H3K4me2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 4935 GSE45063 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2654_H3K4me2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2654 GSE23469 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2655_H3K4me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2655 GSE23470 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE965_H3K4me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 965 GSE20838 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5141_H3K4me3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5141 GSE45088 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE967_H3K4me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 967 GSE20839 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3761_H3K4me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3761 GSE32827 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE305_H3K4me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 305 GSE20787 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3005_H3K79me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3005 GSE32736 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE963_H3K79me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 963 GSE20836 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3762_H3K79me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3762 GSE32828 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2658_H3K79me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2658 GSE23473 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3763_H3K79me2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3763 GSE32829 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE306_H3K79me2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 306 GSE20788 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE307_H3K79me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 307 GSE20789 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4947_H3K79me3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 4947 GSE51967 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4934_H3K79me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 4934 GSE45062 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4197_H3K79me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 4197 GSE44525 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5143_H3K79me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5143 GSE45090 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE964_H3K9ac_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 964 GSE20837 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3007_H3K9ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3007 GSE27795 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3765_H3K9ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3765 GSE32830 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE309_H3K9ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 309 GSE20790 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3010_H3K9acS10P_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3010 GSE25364 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3009_H3K9acS10P_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3009 GSE25363 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2659_H3K9acS10P_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 2659 GSE23474 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2660_H3K9acS10P_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2660 GSE23475 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3769_H3K9me1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3769 GSE32832 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3768_H3K9me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3768 GSE32831 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4182_H3K9me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4182 GSE44519 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3770_H3K9me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3770 GSE32833 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE937_H3K9me2_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 937 GSE20820 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE938_H3K9me2_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 938 GSE20821 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE310_H3K9me2_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 310 GSE20791 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE311_H3K9me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 311 GSE20792 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3011_H3K9me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3011 GSE27741 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3953_H3K9me2_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3953 GSE47229 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE940_H3K9me3_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 940 GSE20822 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3013_H3K9me3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3013 GSE27796 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE312_H3K9me3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 312 GSE20793 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4183_H3K9me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 4183 GSE44520 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE313_H3K9me3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 313 GSE20794 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5144_H4K12ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K12ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5144 GSE45091 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE317_H4K16ac_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 317 GSE20796 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE318_H4K16ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 318 GSE20797 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE316_H4K16ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 316 GSE20795 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE319_H4K16ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 319 GSE20798 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE320_H4K16ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 320 GSE20799 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3287_H4K20me1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3287 GSE32756 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3286_H4K20me1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3286 GSE32755 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3014_H4K20me1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3014 GSE27743 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE321_H4K5ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K5ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 321 GSE20800 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3288_H4K8ac_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 3288 GSE32757 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3289_H4K8ac_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3289 GSE32758 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5060_H4K8ac_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 5060 GSE45070 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE322_H4K8ac_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 322 GSE20801 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5133_His1_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His1 in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 5133 GSE45080 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5134_His1_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His1 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 5134 GSE45081 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3299_His1_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His1 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3299 GSE32767 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3300_His1_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His1 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3300 GSE32768 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3282_His2Av_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 3282 GSE32751 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE6073_His2Av_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 6073 GSE45110 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2991_His2Av_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 2991 GSE27731 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5596_His2Av_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2Av in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 5596 GSE51991 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2994_His2B-ubiq_CME-W1-Cl.8+] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, CME-W1-Cl.8+ cell line. 2994 GSE27732 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE289_His2B-ubiq_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 289 GSE20772 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE288_His2B-ubiq_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 288 GSE20771 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE290_His2B-ubiq_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 290 GSE20773 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4179_His3_Kc167] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, Kc167 cell line. 4179 GSE44518 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3302_His3_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3302 GSE32769 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3301_His3_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3301 GSE44465 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3303_His4_ML-DmBG3-c2] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His4 in D. melanogaster, ML-DmBG3-c2 cell line. 3303 GSE32770 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3304_His4_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His4 in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 3304 GSE32771 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE201_His4-ac(tetra)_S2-DRSC] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His4-ac(tetra) in D. melanogaster, S2-DRSC cell line. 201 GSE20759 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4946_H3K18ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 4946 GSE47253 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3756_H3K23ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3756 GSE44482 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4960_H3K23ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 4960 GSE47262 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5578_H3K27ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5578 GSE47316 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5086_H3K27me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5086 GSE47276 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5582_H3K27me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5582 GSE47318 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5583_H3K27me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5583 GSE47319 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5090_H3K36me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5090 GSE47279 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE6390_H3K36me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 6390 GSE47336 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5091_H3K36me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5091 GSE47280 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5094_H3K4me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5094 GSE47283 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE954_H3K4me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 954 GSE23459 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5095_H3K4me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5095 GSE47284 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5098_H3K4me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5098 GSE47286 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5584_H3K79me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5584 GSE47320 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5585_H3K79me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5585 GSE47321 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5586_H3K79me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5586 GSE47322 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3766_H3K9ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3766 GSE44485 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4949_H3K9ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 4949 GSE47255 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3767_H3K9acS10P_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3767 GSE44486 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5588_H3K9acS10P_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5588 GSE47324 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5106_H3K9me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5106 GSE47290 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5059_H3K9me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5059 GSE45526 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3773_H3K9me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 3773 GSE44488 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5259_H3K9me2_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5259 GSE47311 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2664_H3K9me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 2664 GSE23479 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4933_H3K9me3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 4933 GSE47242 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5108_H4K16ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5108 GSE47292 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4937_H4K20me1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 4937 GSE47244 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5581_H4K8ac_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5581 GSE47317 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5074_His1_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His1 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5074 GSE47267 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5258_His2Av_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2Av in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5258 GSE47310 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5078_His2B-ubiq_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5078 GSE47270 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5081_His3_A_head] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His3 in D. melanogaster, adult head. 5081 GSE47273 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4125_H3K4me2_AF_ovary] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, adult female ovary. 4125 GSE45524 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3946_H3K9me2_AF_ovary] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, adult female ovary. 3946 GSE45522 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3759_H3K36me3_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3759 GSE44483 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3771_H3K9me2_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3771 GSE44487 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3775_H3K9me3_mut_Su(var)205_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)205 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3775 GSE44490 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4198_H3K9me2_mut_piwi_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, piwi mutant, third instar larval stage. 4198 GSE44526 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5617_H3K9me2_mut_JIL-1_L3F] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage female. 5617 GSE44895 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5621_H3K9me2_mut_JIL-1_L3F] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage female. 5621 GSE45768 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5609_H3K9me3_mut_JIL-1_L3F] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage female. 5609 GSE44891 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5608_H3K9me3_mut_JIL-1_L3F] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage female. 5608 GSE44890 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5619_H4K16ac_mut_JIL-1_L3F] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage female. 5619 GSE45106 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5612_H3K9me2_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5612 GSE44892 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5602_H3K9me2_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5602 GSE45100 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5623_H3K9me3_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5623 GSE44896 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5601_H3K9me3_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5601 GSE44886 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5620_H4K16ac_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5620 GSE45107 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5622_H4K16ac_mut_JIL-1_L3M] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, JIL-1 mutant, third instar larval stage male. 5622 GSE45108 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3693_H3K9me2_mut_Mt2_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Mt2 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3693 GSE44470 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5605_H3K36me3_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5605 GSE44888 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5613_H3K9me2_mut_HP1b_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, HP1b mutant, third instar larval stage. 5613 GSE44893 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3686_H3K36me3_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 3686 GSE44467 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4201_H3K9me2_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 4201 GSE44527 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4202_H3K9me3_mut_Pof_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, Pof mutant, third instar larval stage. 4202 GSE44528 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3685_H3K36me3_mut_HP1c_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, HP1c mutant, third instar larval stage. 3685 GSE44467 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5615_H3K36me3_mut_G9a_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, G9a mutant, third instar larval stage. 5615 GSE44894 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5618_H3K9me2_mut_G9a_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, G9a mutant, third instar larval stage. 5618 GSE45105 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5611_H3K9me3_mut_G9a_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, G9a mutant, third instar larval stage. 5611 GSE45102 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3684_H3K36me3_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 3684 GSE44466 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3692_H3K9me2_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 3692 GSE44469 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3774_H3K9me3_mut_egg_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, egg mutant, third instar larval stage. 3774 GSE44489 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3888_H3K36me3_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3888 GSE44501 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3690_H3K4me2_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3690 GSE44468 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4124_H3K9me1_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 4124 GSE44514 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3695_H3K9me2_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3695 GSE44471 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3889_H3K9me2_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3889 GSE44502 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3696_H3K9me3_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3696 GSE44472 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3891_H3K9me3_mut_Su(var)3-9_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, Su(var)3-9 mutant, third instar larval stage. 3891 GSE44503 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4180_His3_A] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, adult stage. 4180 GSE45057 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3754_H3K18ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3754 GSE44481 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3886_H3K18ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3886 GSE44500 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5082_H3K18ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5082 GSE47274 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2997_H3K23ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2997 GSE32734 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5083_H3K23ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5083 GSE47275 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4120_H3K27ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4120 GSE47237 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5087_H3K27me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5087 GSE47277 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3955_H3K27me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3955 GSE47230 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4196_H3K36me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4196 GSE47241 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE6388_H3K36me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 6388 GSE47335 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE931_H3K36me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 931 GSE23457 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4950_H3K36me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4950 GSE47256 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5092_H3K4me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5092 GSE47281 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4121_H3K4me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4121 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2656_H3K4me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2656 GSE23471 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5096_H3K4me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5096 GSE47285 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4122_H3K79me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4122 GSE47239 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4945_H3K79me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4945 GSE47252 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5589_H3K79me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5589 GSE47325 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3764_H3K9ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3764 GSE44484 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5103_H3K9acS10P_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5103 GSE47287 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4123_H3K9me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4123 GSE47240 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2661_H3K9me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2661 GSE23476 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4940_H3K9me2_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4940 GSE47247 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2663_H3K9me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2663 GSE23478 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4939_H3K9me3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4939 GSE47246 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3697_H4K16ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3697 GSE44473 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3698_H4K16ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3698 GSE44474 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4938_H4K16ac_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 4938 GSE47245 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3285_H4K20me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 3285 GSE32754 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5109_H4K20me1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5109 GSE47293 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5257_His1_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5257 GSE47309 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2989_His2Av_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2989 GSE32729 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5075_His2Av_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2Av in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5075 GSE47268 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2992_His2B-ubiq_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 2992 GSE32731 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5076_His2B-ubiq_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5076 GSE47269 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5079_His3_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5079 GSE47271 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5107_His4_E16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His4 in D. melanogaster, embryo (14-16 hr AEL). 5107 GSE47291 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2652_H3K18ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 2652 GSE23467 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4181_H3K23ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4181 GSE44881 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4957_H3K27ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4957 GSE45066 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5135_H3K27me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5135 GSE45082 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3001_H3K36me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 3001 GSE32735 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE932_H3K36me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 932 GSE23458 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5137_H3K4me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5137 GSE45084 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5139_H3K4me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5139 GSE45086 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5140_H3K4me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5140 GSE45087 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE966_H3K4me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 966 GSE23463 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5142_H3K79me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5142 GSE45089 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4955_H3K79me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4955 GSE45064 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4956_H3K79me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4956 GSE45065 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE6072_H3K9ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 6072 GSE45109 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2662_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 2662 GSE23477 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3012_H3K9me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 3012 GSE32738 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE5261_H4K20me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 5261 GSE45527 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2990_His2Av_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 2990 GSE32730 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2993_His2B-ubiq_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 2993 GSE32732 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4177_His3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4177 GSE45055 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4954_His4_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His4 in D. melanogaster, embryo (2-4 hr AEL). 4954 GSE44883 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2995_H3K18ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K18ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 2995 GSE32733 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3887_H3K23ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3887 GSE32854 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4951_H3K23ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K23ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4951 GSE47257 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5084_H3K27ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5084 GSE49488 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5085_H3K27me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5085 GSE49489 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5088_H3K27me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5088 GSE47278 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5089_H3K27me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K27me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5089 GSE49490 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4942_H3K36me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4942 GSE47249 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3687_H3K36me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3687 GSE32793 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4941_H3K36me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K36me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4941 GSE47248 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5093_H3K4me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5093 GSE47282 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2657_H3K4me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 2657 GSE23472 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4959_H3K4me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4959 GSE47261 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5097_H3K4me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K4me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5097 GSE49491 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5099_H3K79me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5099 GSE49492 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5100_H3K79me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5100 GSE49493 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5101_H3K79me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K79me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5101 GSE49494 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3006_H3K9ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3006 GSE32737 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5102_H3K9ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5102 GSE48510 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3008_H3K9acS10P_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3008 GSE25362 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5104_H3K9acS10P_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9acS10P in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5104 GSE47288 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5105_H3K9me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5105 GSE47289 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE956_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 956 GSE25360 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3890_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3890 GSE32855 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4958_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4958 GSE47260 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE958_H3K9me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 958 GSE23462 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4952_H3K9me3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H3K9me3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4952 GSE47258 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3776_H4K16ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3776 GSE32835 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5260_H4K16ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K16ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5260 GSE49497 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3699_H4K20me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3699 GSE32798 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4948_H4K20me1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K20me1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4948 GSE47254 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5262_H4K8ac_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of H4K8ac in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5262 GSE49498 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5073_His1_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His1 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5073 GSE48509 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3678_His2Av_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2Av in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3678 GSE32787 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE4953_His2Av_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2Av in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4953 GSE47259 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3284_His2B-ubiq_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3284 GSE32753 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5077_His2B-ubiq_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His2B-ubiq in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5077 GSE49487 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE4178_His3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of His3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 4178 GSE45056 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE5080_His3_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of His3 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 5080 GSE47272 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3688_H3K4me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3688 GSE32794 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3694_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3694 GSE32797 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3689_H3K4me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K4me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3689 GSE32795 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE3772_H3K9me2_E4-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of H3K9me2 in D. melanogaster, third instar larval stage. 3772 GSE32834 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE881_nej_AF] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult female. 881 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE862_nej_AF] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult female. 862 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE882_nej_AM] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult male. 882 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE863_nej_AM] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, adult male. 863 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE643_nej_E17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (20-24 hr AEL). 643 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2627_HDAC4_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC4 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2627 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2628_HDAC4_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC4 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2628 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2629_HDAC11_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC11 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2629 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2630_HDAC11_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC11 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2630 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2631_HDAC6_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC6 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2631 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2632_HDAC6_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC6 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2632 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2633_HDAC3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2633 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2634_HDAC3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2634 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2635_HDAC1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2635 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE2636_HDAC1_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of HDAC1 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2636 GSE20000 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2558_HDAC11_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC11 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2558 GSE25955 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2567_HDAC11_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC11 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2567 GSE25964 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2561_HDAC3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2561 GSE25958 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2562_HDAC3_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC3 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2562 GSE25959 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2565_HDAC6_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC6 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2565 GSE25962 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE2566_HDAC6_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of HDAC6 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 2566 GSE25963 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE900_nej_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 900 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE3233_nej_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 3233 GSE23148 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE875_nej_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 875 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE854_nej_E1-9] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-4 hr AEL). 854 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE905_nej_E15-16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (12-16 hr AEL). 905 GSE25951 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE856_nej_E15-16] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (12-16 hr AEL). 856 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE877_nej_E17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (16-20 hr AEL). 877 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE857_nej_E17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (16-20 hr AEL). 857 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE858_nej_E17] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (20-24 hr AEL). 858 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE876_nej_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 876 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE855_nej_E9-12] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (4-8 hr AEL). 855 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE903_nej_E12-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (8-12 hr AEL). 903 GSE25950 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE985_nej_E12-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (8-12 hr AEL). 985 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE878_nej_L1] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, first instar larval stage. 878 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE859_nej_L1] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, first instar larval stage. 859 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE879_nej_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, third instar larval stage. 879 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE860_nej_L3] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, third instar larval stage. 860 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE880_nej_P] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupal stage. 880 GSE15427 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-Seq_mE861_nej_P] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-Seq of nej in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, pupal stage. 861 GSE16013 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE21_BEAF-32_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of BEAF-32 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 21 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE22_Cp190_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of Cp190 in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 22 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE769_CTCF_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 769 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE770_CTCF_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of CTCF in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 770 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE901_su(Hw)_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 901 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE24_mod(mdg4)_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of mod(mdg4) in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 24 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.
Chromatin/Transcriptional Regulation [ ChIP-chip_mE27_su(Hw)_E1-15] D. melanogaster assay ChIP-chip of su(Hw) in D. melanogaster, iso-1 strain, embryo (0-12 hr AEL). 27 GSE26905 Dataset metadata only.