FlyBase:Signaling Pathway Report
Last Updated: 18th June 2018
The ‘Gene Group - Pathway Report’ is a sub-category of our Gene Group resource, which houses functional collections of genes such as complexes and gene families. ‘Pathway Reports’ list genes that have been experimentally shown to act within a pathway or to regulate a pathway. The reports are tailored to display information that may be useful to understanding the role of a particular pathway component or regulator: membership of other Gene Groups, experimentally characterized molecular functions and supporting research papers. Useful links to external resources and publications are provided, as well as options for export and orthology tools.
‘Pathway Reports’ are organized in a hierarchical fashion, with a top-level parent report and sub-groups. For the current implementation, pathway sub-groups are divided into "core", "positive regulators" and "negative regulators". The "core" set are generally defined as those genes that are required for the activated pathway to function, "positive regulators" and "negative regulators" act (directly or indirectly) on the core members of the pathway to modify their activity. To add more granularity to some pathways, other groups have been added e.g. upstream pathways, effectors that are negatively regulated by the pathway.
The ‘Pathway Report’ pages are a prelude to what will become a rich resource for researchers to access the curated data on pathway members and regulators. Our first aim is to make the list of curated pathway genes available for immediate use and review. Over 2018, we will add more pathways based on a first-pass review of the research literature. We welcome any feedback <> to help improve the usefulness and accuracy of these gene lists.
All Gene Group Pathways in FlyBase are compiled manually by FlyBase curators, based on research literature, using standards for inclusion agreed by the Gene Ontology consortium. The number of research papers that have been used as evidence for membership gene is shown in the Members table. These references can be viewed as a hitlist by clicking on the number. The number of pathway references associated with a gene may also help researchers weigh the evidence behind its inclusion. All source references are given in full at the foot of the page.
Buttons are provided to export these member genes to our ‘Batch Download’ tool, if you wish to download associated data (phenotypes, expression data, protein interactions etc.), or to a standard FlyBase HitList, if you want to further refine or analyse the gene list, or to our ortholog tool, DIOPT, to obtain a list of predicted orthologs.
General Information
Name | The FlyBase full name for the Gene Group. |
Symbol | The FlyBase symbol for the Gene Group. |
Date last reviewed | Date that the group was created or last reviewed, in format 'YEAR-MONTH-DAY'. |
Species | The species for which the Gene Group has been compiled. |
FlyBase ID | The unique identifier for the FlyBase Gene Group (FBgg number). |
Number of members | The number of genes in the Gene Group. |
Description | A short textual description of the group, written by FlyBase curators based on the given reference(s). References are hyperlinked to their respective Reference Report in FlyBase or to PubMed. |
Notes and selected reviews | May include selected publications for background information, describe the criteria used for inclusion/exclusion or any notes to aid interpretation of pathway membership. |
Biological Process Gene Ontology (GO) term(s) | Term(s) from the Biological Process branch of the Gene Ontology that are most relevant to the Gene Group, hyperlinked to the respective FlyBase 'Term Report'. This term, or a child of it, is used to annotate all member genes. |
Related Gene Groups
Parent group(s) | Any immediate parent super-groups within FlyBase are shown here, hyperlinked to their respective Report. |
Component group(s) | Any immediate child sub-groups within FlyBase are shown here, hyperlinked to their respective Report. |
Other related group(s) | Any non-protein complex groups within FlyBase that are related to the current Pathway but not through a parent-child relationship (e.g. ligands-receptors, enzymes-substrates) are shown here, hyperlinked to their respective Gene Group Report. |
Protein Complex group(s) | Any protein complex groups within FlyBase that act in the featured pathway but not through a parent-child relationship are shown here, hyperlinked to their respective Gene Group Report.
The Members table lists all member genes of the current Gene Group and any subgroups - subgroups are partitioned into individual subsections, the title bar of which is hyperlinked to the Gene Group Report for that subgroup. Member genes are listed alphabetically within each subsection
For all members
View Orthologs | Runs the list of genes through the QuickSearch Orthologs tool, and displays a list of orthologs from human and several different model organisms. |
Export to HitList | Export all genes in the Members Table to a standard FlyBase HitList, which allows further refinement and analysis of the gene list. |
Export to Batch Download | Export all genes in the Members Table to the FlyBase 'Batch Download' tool, which allows bulk download of any associated data fields. |
Members Table
Gene Symbol | The FlyBase symbol for the gene, hyperlinked to the Gene Report for that gene. |
Gene Name | The FlyBase full name for the gene. |
Gene Group Membership | Non-pathway Gene Groups to which gene belongs. This may or may not relate the gene product's role in the featured pathway. |
GO Molecular Function (Experimental) | Any Molecular Function term from the Gene Ontology (GO) that have been assigned to the gene based on experimental evidence. This may or may not relate the gene product's activity in the featured pathway. |
External Data
Other resource(s) | The name of any other specialist websites relevant to the pathway, hyperlinked to that resource. The type of resource is indicated e.g. Summary Text, Illustration, Reactome Pathway. |
Synonyms and Secondary IDs
Synonyms(s) | Alternative commonly used symbols/names used in Drosophila literature and/or the wider field to refer the Pathway Gene Group. |
Secondary FlyBase ID(s) | Any non-current FlyBase Gene Group ID(s) (FBgg numbers) that have been used previously to refer to the Pathway Gene Group but which have retired for some reason (e.g. a new FBgg number is assigned if two or more Gene Groups are merged, or if a single Gene Group is split into separate groups). |
The full citations of all references used to compile the group, organised by publication type, and hyperlinked to their respective Reference Reports.