FlyBase:Reference Manual F. Links to and from FlyBase
FlyBase provides stable links to FlyBase for use by other databases, and links to other databases from FlyBase. Links to FlyBase data items, and links between data items in FlyBase and other databases are described in the sections that follow. Drosophila Resources includes a linked list of additional databases likely to be of interest to users of FlyBase.
FlyBase-curated links
These are accession numbers that are incorporated into the FlyBase database, for sequence and certain other molecular data, and for reference data.
These links derive from linking tables that are maintained and provided to FlyBase by the external database. Linkouts are combined with FlyBase data for reporting on FlyBase web pages.
F.2.1. FlyBase-curated links
FlyBase-curated links
Accession numbers from the following databases are currently incorporated into FlyBase records as FlyBase-curated links:
DDBJ/EMBL/[ GenBank] - the nucleic acid sequence databases of Japan, the U.S., and Europe
EPD - Eukaryotic Promoter Database (Bucher)
GPCRDB - The G protein-coupled receptor database
InterPro - a database of protein families, domains and functional sites
MEROPS - Protease database
miRBase - microRNA data
MitoDrome - A database of annotated Dmel nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins.
PDB - Protein Data Bank (Brookhaven)
PubMed - biomedical literature citations and abstracts
Rfam - RNA families database of alignments and CMs
TRANSFAC - A database of transcription factors and their binding sites
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot - UniProt Knowledgebase, Swiss-Prot section
UniProtKB/TrEMBL - UniProt Knowledgebase, TrEMBL section