FlyBase:ID Validator

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Revision as of 12:48, 12 December 2017 by Steven marygold (talk | contribs)
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You can use the ID Converter tool to either: (i) validate a set of symbols/IDs, which will update any old symbols/IDs to their current equivalents (where possible); or (ii) validate and convert a set of symbols/IDs, which will additionally convert the submitted list from one data class to another (where feasible), such as converting a list of allele or transcript IDs to their corresponding gene IDs.

This tool can also be used to simply upload ID lists, as the set of validated/converted IDs can be exported to a HitList for further analysis/processing within FlyBase.

To use,

Validate Only (Update to Current IDs) or Validate and Convert into: Genes Alleles Aberrations Balancers Transgenic constructs Natural transposons Insertions Transcripts Polypeptides Clones References

Enter IDs or Symbols: You may enter (or upload) FlyBase IDs, symbols, annotation symbols (CG#), clone names, PubMed IDs, or GenBank/Uniprot/Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL accessions. Please use spaces or returns to separate the identifiers (no commas or other text spearators).

or Upload File of IDs