How to find a FlyBase Tweetorial
- To find a particular tweetorial, enter #FlyBaseTweetorial and a second hashtag, such as #RNAseq, from the index into the Twitter search box. This allows you to find, for example, the FlyBase tweetorials pertaining to RNAseq, while filtering out the thousands of other RNAseq tweets that exist on Twitter. The default ‘Top’ option may show only the most popular tweets, so choose the ‘Latest option’ to be sure of seeing all relevant tweets.
- You can also browse all FlyBase tweetorials by searching with only #FlyBaseTweetorial, then choosing the Latest option; the Top option filters most of them out.
- An image-enhanced version of these instructions can be found in this commentary: FlyBase Tweetorials
List of all FlyBase tweetorial hashtags (with a few other non-tweetorial hashtags at the end of the list)