FlyBase:Drosophila Material Resources
Genomic Clones
BAC Genomic clones and Filters
- One BAC clone library made from DNA of the same y1 ; cn1 bw1 sp1 stock as was used for the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project P1 clones is available. This BACR library was made for the BDGP by K. Osoegawa, A. Mammoser, and P. de Jong.
- BACR clones (18,432 clones in pBACe3.6; average clone size is 160-Kb) are available from BACPAC Resources at:
- Clones from two genomic BAC libraries (83 kb and 21 kb average clone size) engineered into the attB-P(acman)-CmR-BW vector, a special adaptation of P[acman], are also available from BACPAC Resources see:
- For information and resources related to the P[acman] recombineering technique see:
P1 Genomic Clones
- As the P1 library is largely obsolete, the BDGP is discouraging the use of P1 clones. If there is a compelling scientific reason that a corresponding BAC is not sufficient, requests for P1 clones can be directed to the BDGP.
- For additional information about the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project see
Cosmid Genomic Clones and Filters
- EDGP cosmids are available from the Geneservice: - Cosmids are available either singly or on high-density filters.
The members of the European Drosophila Genome mapping consortium are:
- F.C. Kafatos, C. Louis, C. Savakis, I. Siden-Kiamos.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, FORTH, Heraklion, Crete. - D.M. Glover and R.D.C. Saunders,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland. - M. Ashburner,
Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. - J. Modolell,
Centro de Biologia Molecular, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain. Supported by the Stimulation Action Programme of the European Community,
with initial funding from the Fondation Schlumberger.
- F.C. Kafatos, C. Louis, C. Savakis, I. Siden-Kiamos.
Supported by the Stimulation Action Programme of the European Community, with initial funding from the Fondation Schlumberger.
YAC Genomic clones
A complete set of YAC clones is maintained by Ian Duncan and clones may be requested from him.
Ian W. Duncan,
Department of Biology,
Box 1137,
Washington University,
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899.
Telephone (1)-314-935-6719;
Sibling Species Genomic Libraries
Fosmid Libraries from BACPAC Resources
Genomic fosmid libraries were constructed for the BDGP by Andreas Gnirke at Exelixis, Inc. (South San Francisco) from Drosophila erecta, D. pseudoobscura, D. virilis, and D. willistoni. The fosmid libraries are available from BACPAC Resources at: